By building your potential I address discovering what you want to be in life and direct towards it. People always use to see the big numbers they want to attain but they don’t see that they need to start from somewhere.
The beginning is obviously the hardest. You have to start the new era of living. Getting a job cuts 8-12 hours a day from your life and sometimes even more, depends on your job. That’s a lot of time seized from your life.
You have to seize parts from your previous habits that were probably sleeping, going out until the late hours, playing games and millions of other not-so-important stuff. “I have to cut this I have to cut that”. If you see it this way you will never be satisfied with the new era. You direct the new era with negative thoughts. This is false identification towards life. The new era is something we were preparing for 20 years more-less, depends when we are going to start to work. All the education in elementary school, middle school, high school and college is to explore and frame your mind of what you want to attain in the future.
We gain simple knowledge to develop our mind in a certain way and we discover ourselves. Even though most of the people avoid to get school seriously, that will also lead them somewhere.
Who We Really Are
We are not all meant to learn, study, and have fantastic grades. Why some mechanic needs advanced algebra? What for? Calculating 2 screws? He definitely doesn’t need algebra for that and he doesn’t need to waste his time getting algebra experience, but to learn new technologies how to fix cars, or how the new BMW brakes work.
Maybe he will discover something and change the world because he was not studying algebra for the test. People are not free and are usually pointed where they need to be headed and that’s why they can never discover their true selves. Even the teacher needs to realize this. Their job is to examine you as a person and try to build your destiny and frame your mind with positivism, not to force you into getting a good grade for calculating screws.
When we add “the 20ties” we must cut the comfort zone and go into the wild. Everyone is trying to succeed and there will be thousands of mechanics and actors and singers and all types of professions. But you my friend, need to make the difference between them. You have to sit down, think deeply with your twenty years old shaped mind and see where you want to be in five years.
This is most usual question on any job interview you will have in life. Better be prepared for the wild because if you are not it will pull you down and make you wonder what the hell happen with your life. Believe me its good thing to be confused, but it’s a lot different thing not to take action about your present situation. Have a deep think and make the life decision. Take a deep breath stand up and take some action on The Road to Success.
“By building your potential I mean discovering what you truly want to be in life and directing towards it”