The American author Robert Byrne simplified life in a quote. It would be strange if there was any formula confirming the meaning of life. Are we going to manage to take risks when everything is already written? I don’t think so. Because there is no such a thing as a “formula confirming the meaning of life”, risking for growth is inevitable. Not the type of risk to go to gamble or jump without a parachute and pray that you will land safely, but risks that will give us the power of choice and growth.
To risk in a given direction, first we have to make a firm choice of how are we going to behave and act during problems and struggles. Second, we need to grasp that every choice has two good sides and no bad ones.
First is authentic choice that will lead to dignity and moral uprightness, second is the mistaken choice that will lead us to wear a badge of “prime choice maker.” Mistakes let us grow in a way that authentic choices never will.
How do we know if stealing is bad if we’ve never been caught? How would you explain love if you’ve never been in love? How would you explain how it feels to be drunk if the participant never drank? Some things need to be done wrong to grasp the life lesson out of them. That’s how perfection is achieved and that’s how meaning of life proves to be constant risk.
1. The first C: Choice
Let’s go beyond the limits. Now I can stand up, go to my balcony and kill myself. That’s the worst choice I could possibly make. But the point is that’s also a choice, albeit a very toxic one.
The second choice I can make is to visualize and think how I am going to make a new scheme of events and launch my new product to my fellow customers. That would be very productive one.
“Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.” – Mildred Barthel
Happiness and choice are like magnets. If I choose to go beyond the limits (as mentioned in the first paragraph) it means that my previous choices were all toxic that lead to that destructive idea. I could never find happiness if I constantly make bad choices. I would also never find constant happiness if I shift from toxic choices to authentic.
The point is, we all have choices to make, and those choices lead directly to the person we will develop.
Additional advice would be to make the choice YOU and your conscious think is right. Not Tommy’s conscious, not Rita’s conscious, but your conscious.
2. The second C: Chances
“In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.”
Taking chances is essential part for awe-inspiring personality. It’s easy when we say: “go do that” instead of doing it ourselves. When the moment comes to take your chance, we switch the questioning part of the brain and produce outcome that result in “scratching our heads” about it.
For me personally, the f*ck it motivational factor has always worked. Before we take our chances we can feel an invisible border line of “won’t do” and “will do.”
We will find authentic community, our perfect love, our perfect job and our perfect friends that suit our character, only if we take chances and risk time (in a good manner.) The only waste of time is the time when we do nothing productive.
Thomas Edison took 10.000 chances and invented the light bulb. Nothing will come in our lap if we sit on our hands. Take your chances!
3. The final C: Changes
Since the world stumbled upon enormous evolution in the past 100 years, we live in an environment where change gives us opportunity to rise or fall. Changes are also a risk we cannot avoid.
Especially in technological sphere, the world is evolving every tickling second. And I really don’t know any firm or department that doesn’t rely on technology. However, that’s not the only change we have to focus on. We also have to focus on the mental change.
Mental change takes a lot of time dedicated in a given direction. We cannot expect change in one day, especially not mental.
Changes rely on habits. If we want to change and be elastic, we have to forfeit the bad habits that slow down our system.
You may say “Well I don’t have bad habits.” Let’s start with the 10 brain damaging habits according to WHO: no breakfast, overeating, smoking, high sugar consumption, air pollution, sleep deprivation, head covered while sleeping, working your brain during illness, lacking in stimulating thoughts and talking rarely.
Let’s say we can’t do nothing about air pollution if we live an intoxicated area, but the other 9 are brain damaging habits that can be changed. By switching the bad habits with good ones, we can clear the toxins from our brain and body and think in a way we couldn’t before.
It may sound like a “3 steps easy rule” but it’s not even close to easy. We constantly rely on intoxicated conscious and make wrong choices. To change our life, we need to use the 3 C’s above and create a life we’ve always imagined.
“You must make a choice to take a chance to change your life.”