When you start working, as time passes, you may think that one day doesn’t consist enough time for your obligations. In most cases, you’re wrong.
However we spend our life, there are many things that we miss, especially the little things in life. Today we choose life and the following life-enhancing things will prove that 10 minutes or less are enough to find joy in those “not-enough” 24 hours a day.
1. Haven’t heard of Randy Pausch? Watch “The Last Lecture” from this legend
Randy Pausch The Last Lecture: This video, deeper than Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, will give you goose bumps and enhance your way of living life! You will acknowledge the importance of spending every second of your life with joy and fun, especially with those who matter.
2. Sunrise or sunset? Doesn’t matter. Just bring a friend with you
Every day we have the same natural process circling for a year. One day enjoying the sunrise or sunset will give you pure joy of perfection. A burning planet giving life to every living thing on earth. This could be the best feeling you have for a whole year. Try it out.
3. Enjoy your own self
Sit anywhere on earth (probably a comfy place to sit) and enjoy every organ of yours! There are many thing to appreciate just by being you, and remembering them will come up right away in those moments of silence. Not more than 10 minutes will make you feel reborn.
4. Write or personally thank your mates for everything
When was the last time you thanked your partner for just being who he or she is and being with you? Not just a “passing the salt” thank you, but a much deeper one. You don’t need to cry-it-out type of a thank you, just be honest that they brought growth to your life. I personally prefer thank you in person, rather than writing a letter.
5. Take out your oldest family photo album and look through it
As I was cleaning my room, I found out one photo album of me being chubby and little kid on vacation in Turkey. It brought so much joy in my eyes that it startled me to wander how fast life is passing by. I better keep doing things, or I will look my photos from 2015 in 2025 and wonder where those 10 years went!
6. Play with a child
Not everyone is lucky as I am to have a beautiful nephew, but when you do have a kid in your family, just look them in the eyes and see every piece of moment they enjoy just by being there. It gave me instant joy to be inspired from a one year old infant! What a beautiful feeling.
7. Optimistic people only: Imagine positive outcome in every harsh situation
I’m enough of surrounding with pessimists in my life. Not only they can’t imagine positive outcomes, they make yours blurry.
The cure for this stunt is to try to cure all pessimists from your life as soon as possible, or leave them as you read this sentence. You can only become positive if you imagine and visualize positive outcomes. No achievement comes with pessimistic overview. Period.
8. Go to bed with the one you love ten minutes earlier than usual
It’s the most romantic and life-enhancing thing to do. Just have an ordinary chit-chat with your loved one. It’s rejuvenating!
9. Surround yourself with water!
Studies show that hospital patients who can see a natural body of water from their beds get better at a 30 percent faster rate. If you’re not near the coast or a lake, try taking a bath. Doing so is also healing. It’s no strange why we feel so positive going on a summer vacation.
10. Stir that blood up!
Move your body around! You can do it to your favorite song in your room. Walking for a couple of miles, running, or working-out (200 minutes a week) is not a bad idea too!
Life is too beautiful! You can only see that if you choose to see it. Not to forget solving endless problems on the way.
I would be glad to hear your life-enhancing things in the comments section!