The American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane said: “a picture is worth a thousand words” in 1911. After more than 100 years, those words are still accurate.
Each of the following historical photographs has a unique meaning. You can even feel the energy inside the pictures adorned by legendary people and idiosyncratic elements.
1. Nagasaki, 20 Minutes after the Atomic Bombing in 1945
2. Child Laborers in 1880
3. Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916
4. The Microsoft Staff in 1978
5. Titanic, 1912
6. The last photo Ever Taken Titanic Before it sunk in April 1912
7. Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi
8. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is returned to the Louvre after WWII
9. One of the First McDonald’s Restaurants
10. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro
11. The Leaving of Last Prisoners from Alcatraz, 1963
12. The Racial Segregation in the US South
13. Construction of the Eiffel Tower in July, 1888
14. The Unbroken Seal on King Tutankhamen’s Tomb
15. Leo Tolstoy tells a story to his grandchildren in 1909
16. Soldier shares a Banana with a Goat During the Battle of Saipan, CA. 1944
17. Adolf Hitler Meeting with Pope Pius XI
18. Martin Luther King With His Son Removing a Burnt Cross from their Front Yard, 1960
19. Mannequins from an Atomic Bomb Test Site in Nevada during the Mid-50s
20. While Christ the Redeemer being built in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
21. Winston Churchill in a Swimsuit, 1922
22. Circus Hippo Pulling a Cart, 1924
23. Madonna, Sting and Tupac
24. John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe
25. Execution by Cannon, Shiraz, Iran, Late 19th Century
26. Shooting of Leo the Lion for the MGM Logo
27. Albert Einstein at the Beach (Don’t mind the sandals)
28. Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961
29. Elvis in the US Army, 1958
30. The last known Tasmanian Tiger (now extinct) photographed in 1933
31. Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923
32. The Extinct Subspecies of the Plains Zebra, Quagga
33. Samurai Taken Between 1860 and 1880