Have you ever wanted to steal a mindset and become successful, or happy? Eventually that’s not possible (for now.) Although I’ve read that this Russian man is going to become subject of first human head transplant ever performed.
But let’s not abscond from the point …
Every human being stirs in life from deep rooted habits, that most of us are not even aware of. The subconscious is lot more powerful that the conscious. Therefore, since we were kids, we form a way of thinking and creating habits. The good news is that there is no such a thing as too late when someone wants to change.
To be aware of the following ways to ‘manipulate’ your mind for success we have to be aware of something first. Nothing will come to you fast.
The italic quote above may be the wisest thing I’ve ever caught in my subconscious. Nothing that came to me easy wasn’t worth. Money from gambling, girls, sometimes even answers … nothing.
So if you haven’t started already, know that you’re not going to get anything easy that will be worth on long term. So starting from small, with a little time and persistence, it becomes big; doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.
To create a better life you need to manipulate your mind and start with the small things below …
“Starting from small, it becomes big.”
– Starting with white lies, repeatedly, you become a compulsive liar.
– Starting with shoplifting a lipstick, repeatedly, you become a thief.
– Starting with faking documents, repeatedly, you can become a white collar criminal.
– Starting with being dishonest, repeatedly, you become a cheater.
BUT, at the same time…
1. Starting with exercising at least 3 times a week, repeatedly, you become fit.
2. Starting with eating healthy everyday, repeatedly, you become well and healthy.
3. Starting with walking with your back straight, repeatedly, you have a straight posture.
4. Starting with smiling and being positive, you become a happy person to be around inside and out and attract people with the same energy to you.
5. Starting with giving unused clothes and loose change to the homeless, repeatedly, you become empathetic and altruistic.
6. Starting with sharing things with others, repeatedly, you become generous.
7. Starting with only doing things that align with your core values, repeatedly, you are a person of meaningful values.
8. Starting with reading, repeatedly, you become addicted to learning.
9. Starting with making sure you get what you need done for the day, repeatedly, you are always on top of everything.
10. Starting with being focused, each task at a time, repeatedly, you can easily get into the flow and be productive.
11. Starting with thinking outside the box, repeatedly, you become extremely creative.
12. Starting with getting out of your comfort zone, repeatedly, you become confident and fearless.
13. Starting with telling yourself what you want to achieve in life, repeatedly, you will get there.
14. Starting with just getting it started, repeatedly, anything you want to be and do, you can be and do.
Inspired by: Addicted2Success