In life, there are things we should say more, and you’ll be surprised that one of them is nothing! I’ve encountered many people who miss to point out the phrases below, not letting the gratitude and appreciation in their life. Below we will present the things we should say more often on daily bases. Kid President’s list of 20 things you should say more often (with the video at the end): 1. Thank you – No matter how often you say this we could all still say it more. Two little words that can be used to show appreciation and respect to anyone you interact with.
2. Excuse me – In a hurry and need to grab something off the shelf in front of someone at the grocery store? You could be rude and just barge in and grab what you need, or you could utilize these two words and accomplish the same goal but with less collateral damage. “Excuse me, could I please get one of “these” real quick.” Then after you get what you want it’s perfect time to show your appreciation and use number 20.
3. Here is a surprise corndog I bought you because you are my friend – It doesn’t just have to be a corndog. It can be anything you know your friend would like.
4. I’m Sorry – It’s O.K. to make a mistake. It’s also O.K. to acknowledge that you did so.
5. I forgive you – When someone uses number 17, (or even if they don’t) don’t hold a grudge.
6. You can do it – It’s really interesting how powerful your mind is and how it can either help or hinder you. At the half way point of a 21k marathon run last year I was ready to throw up on the streets. The idea of several more miles of running seemed daunting.
7. I have barbecue sauce on my shirt too (before you say something about the barbecue sauce on someone else’s shirt, take a look at your own shirt)– I love how Kid President worded this one. You get the idea.
8. Please – Remember how well it worked when coupled with excuse me above? It works in other situations as well!
9. Everything is going to be O.K. – We have a tendency to overreact to issues. Couldn’t find your keys? Dropped your lunch on the ground? It’s the Worst Day EVER! But it’s really not. Everything is going to be O.K.
10. Aww you got me a corndog too!? You shouldn’t have! – If your friend is on diet, this might be a bad idea. It can cause opposite effect. But you can do it with your creativity. YOU can do it! (number 6, remember?!)
11. I don’t know – We like to sound smart so we often act like we know more than we really do. It’s alright to not know everything, and admitting that you “don’t know” often give you an opportunity to learn something new.
12. You’re so awesome… – This one in the video is super funny. We are great at telling people when they aren’t doing a good job, let’s be just as good at letting people know when they are.
13. Hello person I’ve never met before! Here’s a high five. – Look at the smile on most people’s face after a random high five!
14. My sports team isn’t always the best sports team. – Sometimes jealousy prevails and we say things that aren’t true. My favorite team, soccer club Barcelona was struggling the past few years with the trophies, but this year they won two titles and in a couple of days they are going for the Champion League. YES THEY ARE THE BEST!
15. Nothing –
16. Something funny – You’ll just have to watch the video of Kid President for this one.
17. I disagree with you, but I still like you as a person who is a human being and I will treat you like that because if I didn’t it would make everything bad and that’s what lots of people do and it’s lame. – So many small disagreements turn into huge disagreements because we can’t understand why someone has a different opinion than ours. DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN! It’s O.K to not agree on everything. How boring would life be if we all thought the exact same way!?
18. Sometimes you just gotta scream – AAAAAAA!
19. Life is tough but so are you – Every day we hear stories of hardship, tough breaks, and failures. But we also hear stories about success, overcoming adversity and succeeding where failure seemed the only option. Sure life is tough, but so are you!
20. Something nice! – It doesn’t matter what it is. It just feels good to hear something nice. If you can’t think of anything nice to say you’re not thinking hard enough.