Have you’ve been trying to cope with your dreams, but sometimes feels like it just doesn’t work? Well, we have the same problem.
Look at your dreams as something far from you now, like an object. But to get to that object you need to jump and crawl through grotesque surroundings.
Okay, until now, it’s what everyone says, right? You just need to preserve and keep going and so on and so on, BUT … that’s not really how it is.
It’s literally, your mind playing against everything. This is the real example.
I think I’ve found something that helped me vastly to, say, endure my motivation.
This example will include everything in 3 basic motivational killers that made me avoid my ‘object’.
1. Burnout
What I think was the first mistake I’ve made, and sometimes keep making, is my overwork burnout. I could work for days without stopping, but that’s a mistake, a big one.
Not eating, nor dirking water; not even a single rest. I’ve read a couple of books that say “persist and you shall succeed.” And again, not true, and this is why.
When you burn all your energy, and you keep yourself engaged subsequently, you get in the burnout zone. It’s a place where your ‘object’ (vision) blurs. It’s like a tick on your skin.
You can feel your eyes dropping from the sides and you feel all this fog in your brain, but you keep digging, because someone says you should persist.
Persisting is one thing. When you sit, you do a steps of your task. You are not being persistent in building a whole firm in a day. That’s what a burnout is. You waste your life and your dream on a minefield. One of the top 5 regrets people have on their deathbed was “I wish I didn’t work so hard.” That’s what this is all about.
It’s a play, a game of success. And those burnouts will lure you in an ambush. You’ll think that it’s not ‘that’ object what you want. Not your vision anymore, when all you did was burned yourself out.
I also work lot now, sometimes 14 hours a day, but meanwhile I workout, have a stretch, have a chat with a friend to avoid burning my sight off the vision.
Working hard is true. That’s always a must, and sometimes it can be more than hard, exhausting. But keeping yourself busy like an idiot without refilling energy, you are getting in the zone.
Find your well and drink from it. I found mine in a conversation with a friend, stretching and working out.
2. Immediate satisfaction
The second thing I’ve mistaken was to ‘chill out’ after I got my first results. That’s why I call it ‘immediate satisfaction.’
Example: I was working hard on this website, and one day I got massive results. Great views, engagement, ad sense cash. And then I said to myself “great man, you’ve made it.”
My a*s I’ve made it. I didn’t do s*it. And I’m cursing because I precisely said that to myself.
And then I switched to another main job, since you know, “I’ve already made it.” I wanted 2 dreams fused.
After a couple of months I was working not only hard with all the burnouts, but I was feeling like I’m one of the witches they used to burn in former times. You know, on a square.
My web started falling, got it to the bottom and I was left with a job I didn’t really feel satisfied. I couldn’t coach there. I could only serve.
I was struggling for a quite a while, and then I’ve made my decision. Now you choose one job and you never satisfy, not with your first results.
So when you try to scatter, and get revenue from two places, choose the one you love doing. It doesn’t matter what it is.
And again don’t get satisfied from the first result. It’s a long way, a marathon.
3. The first mistake
I choose number 3 to be the first mistake. it’s quite a paradox, like standing is harder than walking.
Let’s throw the juggling balls of poetry and aim on topic.
So, what’s the first mistake?
It’s what you do when you get burned out.
When you get to know what you really love to work, and you burnout yourself so much that you think you don’t really like it anymore, you make your first mistake, which in fact is crucial for growth.
You don’t even have to burnout to make your first mistake.
Ray Kroc until 52 sold paper cups and milkshake mixers. He’s the owner of McDonalds now. Harrison Ford until 30 was a carpenter. Now he is worldwide famous actor and producer. It’s a whole lot of them.
Don’t let your first mistake carve your future. It’s never too late to run a marathon, or pursue your dream jobs.
Don’t let burnout, immediate satisfaction, or your first mistake suck your motivation to a level where you don’t want to do anything. You have to find inspiration around every stone and corner.
You can do anything if you choose to play with it. It’s not just an actual game on X-box where you play. It’s a whole life. Dance with it and find every way to stick to your sight on your ‘object.’
Image source one, source two