Besides the countless incapabilities already proven by vast number of researches, people still think that frequent marijuana use is helping them someway.
Many people confuse marijuana with cannabis oil, or even worse, meditation, which I found personally by asking couple of weed smokers. They think smoking weed is kind of the same as using cannabis oil. “Well it’s healing cancer, it must be good.”
As many as I hear nonsense, I got surrounded by the idea of smoking weed. In what ways can actually a mild drug be healthy for something? If it’s for overly stressed day, getting away from your body (as Sadghuru says in the video below) it can have a tiny positive effect. Although I don’t prefer it, even then.
Sometimes I even think it’s really an act of a cowardice to smoke marijuana. You are not capable of getting things done, so you say: “okay I will get away fro a bit” and light up another.
However, I am not here to give my opinion, but to share the answer through the eyes of a mystic.
I enjoyed hearing this guy speak out his opinion on smoking marijuana, and I know you will enjoy it too!
Video from: Isha Foundation