Every persons kryptonite: live longer, look younger, have more energy and lead a fuller life, right? Every year people around the world spend billions of dollars to find answers on this topic… so what’s the conclusion?
Yeah, eat right, exercise, keep your mind in calm, and don’t indulge in high-risk activities is one side of the coin, but as it turns out an ice cube and a few moments of your time helps too. At the base of your skull on the neck there is a point known as Feng Fu.
It’s a pressure point found at the base of the skull just below the bottom ridge of the skull cap at the top of the neck. If you put ice on it regularly, it triggers rejuvenation in your body.
Illness seems to disappear and you find yourself more energetic and just plain happier.
You have to lie on your stomach and put an ice cube at the Feng Fu point. Leave it there for 20 minutes. You can also use a bandage to fix it in place if you’re on the go.
Doing it once in the morning on an empty stomach and then again once before bed. What does it do?
- It improves your sleep quality.
- It improves your mood.
- It helps regulate your gut.
- It relieves colds.
- It relieves toothaches and headaches.
- It may help relieve lung and cardiovascular diseases.
- It may help thyroid issues.
- It may relieve PMS.
- It may improve mental health.
Sources used:
- https://theory.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/gv16
- http://www.sacredlotus.com/go/acupuncture/point/du-16-feng-fu-wind-mansion
- http://www.alive.com/articles/view/19525/connect_the_dots_for_pain_relief
- http://www.higherperspectives.com/ice-cube-back-neck-1406158138.html