Our sleep offers a chance to temporarily free our selves from the physical reality that our body seems to constrain us to during the waking hours.
That period of slumber is where dreams can come true, where we can escape physical grounding and have the ability to literally fly, travel anywhere we choose, and communicate with spirit guides.
Check out these 7 herbs for dream recollection and dream enhancement and fill your dream journal up quickly!
1. Xhosa Dream Root – Vivid and Prophetic Dreams
You may find this herb labeled as it’s technical name Silene Capensis or as ‘undlela zimhlophe‘, as it’s called by the Xhosa peoples of Africa. Noted as a ‘teaching plant’ and considered highly sacred, shamans traditionally use Xhosa dream root to promote lucid dream states in healers and other shamans during initiation ceremonies. If you aspire for more vivid and profound dreams or simply want to gain more universal insights from them, give this herb a shot – literally. You mix this in small amounts with water typically and consume it prior to sleeping. It also makes an interesting tasting tea but it can be bitter, so the ‘shot’ form is recommended.
2. Celastrus Paniculatus – The Elixir of Life
While this dreaming herb may sound like a spell Harry Potter would use, this amazing gift from Mother Nature packs a powerful punch and facilitates more than lucid dreams. It’s known for promoting longevity, sharpening the mind and memory, and it aids in concentration. This is perhaps why this herb is promoted to assist with ADD-type disorders, prevent epileptic seizures, and to aid in memory recollection in Alzheimer’s sufferers. Essentially, you benefit during the waking hours, and the herb keeps working while you sleep to fuel dream recollection!
3. Blue Lotus – Mind Body Spirit Herb
A favorite used in yogic practices and meditation, the blue lotus is considered to be a source and possessor of the universe’s highest sacred energies in Hinduism. However, this relaxing herb promotes the mind body spirit connection as well as lucid dreaming states. This is also highly recommended for insomnia sufferers by many holistic healers. Typically consumed by smoking, in elixirs, and steeped in teas, if you have trouble dreaming or find yourself frequently waking up in dreams, blue lotus, aka Nymphaea Caerulea, may help.
4. Wild Asparagus Root – Fly by Night
Reported to be SO effective at allowing one to fly in their dreams, many herbalists will advise against its use at all if you are not seeking to fly in your dream states. Also known as Asparagus Lucidus or Cochinensis, many Taoists use and recommend this herb for dream mobility, and reports have many users soaring through the skies and all across the universe and even into alternate realities and dimensions. Sweet and slightly bitter, most prefer to make a tea with this herb, and an additional ‘side-effect’ reported of regular wild asparagus root consumption is softer, more supple skin. Flying and skin benefits – ladies, this is YOUR dream herb!
5. African Dream Bean – Master Spirit Connections
Known to promote euphoric lucid dreaming states, Entada Rheedii, or African Dream Bean is used by a number of tribes and cultures around Asia, Australia, and India. Often used in magic and rituals to proved users good luck, many find that their dreams are so powerful and vivid and declare that spirit communications are more accessible. This dreaming herb is typically dried and smoked, but some people get results by eating the bean’s internal seeds.
6. Mexican Tarragon – Grow a Garden of Herbs for Dreaming
Growing lovely flowering Mexican Tarragon can have you dreaming nightly and leave you with some eye candy in your herb garden. These Mexican Marigolds as they are also known, are an intrinsic part of Día de los Muertos festivities and are pretty commonly used as a spice. However, as a dreaming herb, one typically dries it for teas and smoking, but it can be burned as a bedtime incense to promote vivid images and dream recollection. Also revered for its anti-viral properties, these herbs for dreaming can be used in antiseptic solutions and essential oils.
7. Mugwort – A Versatile Dreaming Herb
Also called Artemisa Vulgaris, this long time staple in Europe is superior for treating stomach ailments and eliminating parasitic invaders. This herb often helps one heal while dreaming. Some users report having darker dreams that reveal hidden insights, allowing them to better know themselves and mend from past hurts and experiences. Sweet and floral in scent, Mugwort is excellent for use in essential oils, teas, and for its aromatic qualities during ceremonies and meditation practices.
Inspired by a post in EWAO
Originally written by Stephanie Lucas and published in Quantum Stones