While competition can be positive and sportsmanship does exist, sometimes we forget the bigger meaning of athletics and the opportunity it can provide each of us to excel as individuals.
Sometimes we need to put aside our bravado and competitive nature for a higher good.
Here’s a kid named Mitchell who has been a huge basketball fan since a kid. He helps out on the team and is the coach’s favorite right hand man. Mitchell is also special needs.
In a surprise move, Mitchell gets the word from his coach to suit on up and get in the game.
It was the end of the season, the last game, and it was time to allow those who don’t always get the opportunity to excel, to be given some play time.
He gets out there and fires away, shot after shot, but he just can’t seem to connect.
He didn’t score any baskets, but the coach had hoped just being in the game was enough.
But then something happened…
Originally taken from damnbored.tv