Poor eyesight is a problem that many people have to deal with. For some the problem is focusing on objects close to their face, for others it is trying to make out objects that are far away.
Wearing glasses or contacts usually helps, but is there a way to repair your vision? Definitely! Here’s how:
Resting your Eyes
Make sure to give your eyes a break several times a day. This can mean anything from closing your eyes for a few minutes to going into a room with low lighting. If you spend most of your day looking at a computer screen adjust the brightness so it does not strain your eyes.
Taking your Glasses Off
If you are prescribed to wear glasses try spending some time everyday not wearing them. Although there is limited information on the long-term effects of wearing glasses, according to a study conducted by the Ghana Medical Journal, 64% of Nigerian undergraduate students believe that glasses are harmful to your eyes. According to a study conducted in Brazil, even medical staff believe that glasses can cause damage to your vision.
Eye Massage
Give your eyes a massage several times a day by gently applying pressure and rubbing the areas around your eye socket. Other methods include using your index finger and thumb to gently press on the area right above the inner corner of your eyes. Massaging your temples and the area on the back of your skull directly behind your eye sockets also helps increase circulation in the eye area.
20-20-20 Rule
Take regular breaks from looking at your computer. Try using the 20-20-20 rule. For every 20 minutes of computer use, take a break and stare at something that is 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
Going Outside
Spend more time in nature. If you are hiking through a ravine or hanging out in a park there is less of a chance that your eyes will be exposed to light sources that may damage your vision.
Warm Compression
Warm compression is a method commonly used to treat eye problems. Gently press a warm, damp cloth against your eyes for half an hour a day. This method has been proven to help moisten dry eyes.
Adding to your Diet
Make sure to eat a good amount of carrots and sweet potatoes every day. Both of these foods are high in vitamin A, a nutrient which is essential to good vision.
Exercising your Eyes
Do the 16 simple exercises shown on the chart below to improve your vision and strengthen your eyes. All you have to do is follow the lines in the direction that the arrows are pointing. If this is your first time trying this exercise try focusing on each symbol individually and just stare at them for a while so you can fully understand the meaning of them.
Originally taken from Family Life Goals