Man Found 250-Million-Year-Old Cave In England. What He Carved Inside Mind-Boggling! [VIDEO]

Angelo Mastropietro from Australia gave up his career and became a caveman. Literally! But wait until you see his cave.

The man spent £160,000 and approximately 1,000 hours breaking, cutting and burrowing through tonnes of rock to renovate a 250-million-year-old cave in England into a modern home fitted with wi-fi, running water and underfloor heating!



Mastropietro was the head of a successful recruitment company in Australia, where he lived for a decade, when a multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2007 left him temporarily paralyzed.

He first came across the cave in 1999 when he took refuge in the space during a rainy bike ride.

The perfect opportunity presented itself during a trip to England in 2010. Angelo came across a property listing for a cave in Worcestershire’s Wyre Forest – home to the sandstone cliffs that that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to create Middle Earth. The cave in question had been used as a four-bedroom house for 300 years – part of a row of the oldest inhabited rock houses in the whole of Europe – before it was abandoned in the late 1940s.


When Angelo realized that this was the same cave he previously took refuge in on a rainy day in 1999, he decided to take the plunge. He purchased it for £62,000 and set to work converting it into his dream house. With a budget of £100,000, he chose to do most of the work himself. Despite his physically debilitating condition, he spent 1,000 hours cutting and burrowing through 70 to 80 tons of rock.

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He also drilled into the hillside to create his own 80-meter deep bore, which now supplies water to the house.


The ambitious makeover was featured on Channel 4’s Grand Designs in September, which sparked the fascination of thousands of viewers.

 “I love a challenge. Coincidentally my surname actually means Master of the Stones, so you know maybe it’s in my blood.”


The completed home has a huge terrace, intimate rooms and white walls to brighten up the cave. He also installed huge glass doors and oak-framed windows to let in the light.

See the story of this incredible house:

See Also: Man Isolates Himself From Society For Over 25 Years. What He Reveals Inside This Cave Is Incredible!

Originally taken from Niume

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