We each have our very own special and unique personality. It’s a major part of who we are as individuals and set us apart from others. While we’re all different in one way or another, all of the many personalities out there in the world can be boiled down to simply four main personality types. They are the following; intelligent, emotional, introvert, and extrovert. Which one are you!?
Extroverts are highly social, outgoing, and they tend to be quite vocal and outspoken. They like to keep busy and are always involved in any action going on around them. In comparison, introverts are more shy, quiet, and reserved. They prefer to observe the world around them and instead of being available and open, as extroverts often are, they keep more to themselves. Those with intelligent personality types are rational and logical which is, generally speaking, the opposite of emotional types. Intelligent individuals think foremost with their heads, emotional people go with what their hearts tell them.
While you likely have an idea about which personality type you identify the strongest with, there may actually be a closer match! To gain a better understanding of how your brain is wired simply work through the following nine questions. This quiz comprehensively covers your thoughts, views, and responses to a range of situations and a variety of topics. The answers you provide will tell you whether or not you are the type of person you think you are, so click the “Let’s Play” button to begin and figure out exactly which personality type fits you best!
Which personality did you get?
Try also: “The Cube Test” – Psychologically Proven Test Will Reveal Hidden Secrets About Your Personality!
Originally taken from Social Consciousness