We’ve all seen the Photoshop fails and heard stars like Jennifer Lawrence tell us flat out, “Of course it’s Photoshop. People don’t look like that,” but it can be jarring to see its effects in real time.
This 36-second clip shows how much of an effect a computer can have on a model’s body: through airbrushing, stretching, and thinning to make her into a more stunning — and unrealistic — version of herself. The time-lapse feature is from GlobalDemocracy.com. It garnered attention for the site’s demand for a disclaimer to accompany any and all airbrushing that is done to a model’s body, and has recently resurfaced.
We acknowledge that digitally-altered photos may be unavoidable in the fashion industry, but we hope that alterations this intense aren’t the norm. We agree with many of the comments on the video so far, that the model was beautiful to begin with. Watch the video below to see!
Originally taken from AOL