Skin icing has become popular modern beauty ritual for better looking skin. This therapy has been used by many beauty experts in spas and skin care treatments for several years and for its wide range of benefits.
Skin icing is able to:
- Refresh the skin of the face
- Fight the formation of wrinkles
- Combat acne and blemishes
- Increase the blood flow which results with healthy and glowing skin
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Here are the benefits from Skin icing:
- Smoother skin
Excess sebum and debris enlarge the skin pores. Skin icing can tighten and shrink the enlarged pores by unclogging the pores that look larger because of the excess sebum. This procedure also smoothes the skin and makes it look fresh and healthy.
- Pore Primer
Try icing your face before make up. It will minimize your pores and the foundation will look smooth and flawless.
- Improves Circulation
Skin icing increases the blood circulation by constricting the blood vessels and less blood goes to the skin surface. This is a great solution for inflammation and swelling.
- Great for Puffy Eyes
Skin icing reduces the bugs under your eyes by reducing swellings.
- Wrinkle Buster
Icing can reduce the signs of wrinkles and can slow the creation of new wrinkles.
- Control Blemishes
Skin icing can soothe irritation; reduce swelling and redness, so it is a great remedy for pimples.
When you notice a new pimple apply the ice on the skin and it will slow the inflammation. Hold the ice cube on the acne for several seconds. This will help you reduce the size and number of blemishes. Repeat this procedure every other night.
- Firstly, cleanse your face thoroughly
- Wrap one or two ice cubes in a gauze or any other kind of soft cloth.
- When the ice starts melting and dampens the cloth, apply it to the face.
- Hold it on different areas on the face for 1-2 minutes.
- Move the ice gently with circular movements. Go up along the chin and the jaw line, up the cheeks, and along the forehead and nose. Take special care for the area underneath your nose.
- Finish the procedure with toner, moisturizer or acne treatment.
- If you do the procedure without covering the ice cubes, you should wear gloves because you will not be able to hold the ice for long with bare hands.
- If you cannot use ice directly on the skin, the same effect can be achieved with holding the cubes with a soft cloth.
- If you still decide to use bare ice, do not apply it straight from the freezer because it can break the capillaries under the skin.
- You should avoid using ice if you have broken capillaries and do not use it for too long.
- The icing should not be applied for more than 15 minutes.
- You can add lemon, rosewater, green tea, cucumber, chamomile tea or other herbs for better results.
See also: How To Make Pores Disappear With Only 1 Ingredient!
Originally taken from: Health Online Central