We’ve long imagined scenarios in which, because of disaster, climate change, or nuclear war, life as we know it comes to an end, with parts of the Earth rendered inhospitable with widespread environmental devastation.
Hidden approximately 400 feet (122 meters) deep inside a mountain on a remote island between mainland Norway and the North Pole, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault is designed to come to our rescue if that happens.
Svalbard is the northernmost place in the world that still has scheduled flights, according to the Crop Trust, the group in charge of the global seed bank system.
Since the vault is buried in permafrost, it could stay frozen at least 200 years, even if the power were to go out.
The vault has seeds from more than 60 institutions and almost every country in the world, collected from the more than 1,500 global gene banks that store samples of seeds from all the crops native to the region they’re in.
Take a Rare Look Inside The Doomsday Seed Vault Deep In The Arctic:
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Originally inspired from Science Alert