The Pyramids of Giza are considered to be one of the most spectacular and mysterious ancient structures in the world. But could it be that Egypt is hiding another even more fantastic ancient secret? Since the age of the antiquity, people have been speculating about the Lost Labyrinth of Egypt, an ancient and complex structure hidden underneath the desert that could contain thousands of hieroglyphic carvings. Many have dismissed the idea as nothing but fantasy but new research suggests that it is very real.
These are the words of ancient Greek historian Herodotus written in the 5 th century BC (‘Histories’, Book, II, 148), describing a colossal temple said to contain 3,000 rooms full of hieroglyphs and paintings. It was named ‘Labyrinth’ by the Greeks after the complex maze of corridors designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete, where the legendary Minotaur dwelt. Yet today, nothing remains of this supposedly grand temple complex – at least not on the surface. The mighty labyrinth became lost to the pages of history. (source)
Herodotus, the man Cicero referred to as the father of history and the first systematic historian in the western world, traveled to Egypt on an exploratory mission and kept intricate notes about what he came across. He described an incredible labyrinthine structure close to the lake of Moiris and opposite what was referred to as the City of Crocodiles. In his epic magnum opus ‘Histories,’ he wrote; “This I have actually seen, a work beyond words. For if anyone put together the buildings of the Greeks and display of their labors, they would seem lesser in both effort and expense to this labyrinth… Even the pyramids are beyond words, and each was equal to many and mighty works of the Greeks. The labyrinth surpasses even the pyramids.”
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Latter-day historians often dismissed the work of Herodotus as storytelling and fantasy. However, this presumption has come to be questioned in recent years owing to the fact that archaeological digs concerning the ancient Scythians and Amazons have revealed that much of what he said was indeed the truth. Could this also be the case with the Lost Labyrinth of Egypt?
A team of researchers from Belgium and Egypt certainly seemed to think so when they embarked on an extremely ambitious project in 2008 to investigate whether the story was factual. They used cutting-edge ground penetrating technology in the area described by Herodotus to study the structures underneath the sands. At the end of their investigation, they concluded that the area certainly did contain a large and intricate underground temple.
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The results of the investigation were published in 2008, and the researchers gave a public lecture about their findings. However, following this, there has been nothing but silence on the topic, and it appears that certain parties are actively trying to suppress the information that they uncovered. These parties include the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt who has put a halt on any communications concerning the structure. In addition to this, the final report of the investigation has been deleted from the official research website.
Now it appears as though Egyptologists have two baffling mysteries to contend with? What was the purpose of this incredible structure for the ancient Egyptians, and why are the modern Egyptian authorities so keen to prevent anyone from finding out?
Original footage of the NRIAG geophysicists scanning the Hawara archaeological site – 2008:
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