Statistically speaking, the percentage of divorce and breakups is higher than the percentage of successful and happy relationships. Nowadays, marriages have lost their credibility and the younger generations tend to stay away from complicated procedures due to possible disagreements in opinion and way of life.
For that purpose, let’s take a look at the 10 most common mistakes that can ruin a relationship:
1. Expecting from your partner to change because of you – one thing’s for sure-no one’s perfect, and when you expect from your partner to change according to your desires, this can cause problems. Namely, even if the other person promises to change because of love, this doesn’t mean that it would be like you’ve imagined it to. There is a great possibility of other problems which can negatively affect your relationship. Therefore, always accept your partner the way he/she is, unless this is some serious bad habit.
2. Always having to win an argument – people fight a lot in order to prove their points. This is nothing more than the ego trying to dominate. However, it’s far better to present your point of view and come up with a solution to solve the problem. When you don’t do this, you just worsen the issue because it remains unsolved.
3. Allowing a third person to interfere – one of the most common mistakes that couples do is allowing a third person to interfere in their relationship, whether this person is some of the partners’ family members or friends. You can never know with certainty that this person is mature enough to solve your problem. Sometimes, they can even make it worse. Only you and your partner should deal with your relationship problems.
4. Neglecting the emotional and physical needs of the partner – it’s important to understand that when you start neglecting the needs of your partner, he/she won’t also feel the need to satisfy your needs, and they will probably look for someone else to fulfill them. This can easily destroy your relationship.
5. Holding grudges – holding grudges and focusing on trivial things can worsen your relationship. When you start to quarrel, just let the moment pass, as holding a grudge has never done any good to anyone.
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6. Disrespecting differences – there are no two same persons in the whole world and differences are a part of human nature. So, it’s crucial to respect the differences between you and your partner in order to keep your relationship healthy.
7. Not accepting fault – most couples tend to allow their egos overrule and they oppose to accepting fault. However, there’s nothing wrong in saying “sorry”. Learn to accept when you’re in the wrong and offer your sincerest apology, even when the fault isn’t really yours. Never allow the ego to overrule your love. If your partner really loves you, they will also learn to accept their fault.
8. Lack of communication – communication is pivotal for a successful relationship. Hence, when you don’t speak to each other, you’re giving advantage to silence and your relationship will suffer.
9. Differences in opinion – sometimes, one partner may want to create a family as soon as possible, whereas the other side needs time to prepare for this type of responsibility. Never rush into anything and make decisions together. This will affect the lives of both partners and you should avoid making abrupt decisions that you might regret later.
10. You don’t dedicate time to yourselves – your relationship should be your priority and it requires from you to dedicate time to each other. If you want it to grow, you should contribute to your relationship daily.
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Originally taken from Healthy And Natural House