Perfect and analytical Virgo seems to have everything under control on the outside, but their biggest secret is that they have a great difficulty handling life. They always seem to carry the world on their shoulders like Cancer. Whereas Scorpio is deeply terrified of becoming close to people. Trust is too risky of a gamble. But where does invincible Aries stand? What do they fear the most? What can puncture a Gemini or Leo in the heart and soul?
You’ll be either impress or terrified by our psychic prowess. Read at your own risk.
Aquarius: Don’t fell emotions like they think they should. They get into relationships and don’t feel anything for a while, and because of this, they believe there’s something wrong with them and hate themselves for it.
Pisces: Actually has no idea what they are doing in and day-dreams to make themselves feel better. Is lost and confused but acts like they have everything under control and hates asking for help.
Aries: Can’t handle fighting and losing people. They act like they are happy and let people go, but in reality, they regret fighting and want those people back, they hate losing people that mean so much to them.
Taurus: Is actually afraid they no one wants them around, and that they are easily forgotten about to the people who mean the most to them. Constantly wondering if they mean anything to anyone.
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Gemini: They try so hard to fit in and be friends with everyone, they change who they are themselves. They would rather change than be alone, because being alone is extremely scary to them.
Cancer: Tries to act happy all the time. They feel like if they let others see them upset, they are disappointing them. Needs to make sure everyone around them doesn’t worry about them, no matter what the cost.
Leo: Believes they are unloveable and that everything that goes wrong is their fault. They try to act tough and like they don’t care, but deep inside, they are probably the most sensitive person they will ever meet.
Virgo: Has trouble handling life. They may seem like they have everything under control and in order. But in reality they have trouble making it every hour of the day. It’s hard for them to stay positive.
Libra: Can’t be without a lover because they need to invest time in others so they don’t have to focus on themselves. Hates having to deal with their own problems so they hide them and pretend everything is fine.
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Scorpio: Is scared of getting close to people. They love being trusted by others but have a hard time trusting others. Are afraid this will push everyone away one day, but they don’t know how to fix it.
Sagittarius: Wants only love and to be loved. When they aren’t with someone they start to feel hopeless and that they aren’t good enough for anyone.
Capricorn: Invests themselves in trying to get to the top, so they tend to not have deep connections with anyone. They are afraid because of this they will be alone forever.
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