Your elder sister is your greatest support. She’s probably your first friend since the day you were born, even without you knowing it for a while.
She will never hesitate to criticize you, even if it makes you cry. At the same time, she will pull you out of your worst moods and continue loving you no matter what.
1. She Is Your Best And Most Loyal Friend
She knows you longer than any other human, maybe except your parents. She was there to see you walk for the first time. She’s seen and been with you through all. Acne problem, guy problems- you name it. They’ve seen you grow up from a messy teen into an almost mature adult.
2. You Share The Same Closet
Do you always feel that her clothes suit you better than her? Big sister= better closet. If you check, half of your wardrobe may be borrowed from her. Add to that an amazing fashion sense and wisdom.
3. She Knows How To Deal With Your Parents
She has known your parents better and longer period of time. In fact, it could be that she faced the same problems before you. Her experience will surely benefit you to deal with those issues in a better way than had you been on your own.
4. Anything Goes
There’s no such thing as boundaries. There is zero privacy, considering that she can’t really do anything about you invading it.
5. She is the go-to person for cool movies, music and fashion trends
Almost all the cool kids are cool because of their older siblings. At least that’s the truth in my case. My sister prevented me from getting disastrous fake hair bands during the 80s and prevented me from getting a bad music taste during 90s. She is the reason I had amazing haircuts and dressing sense.
Read Also: The Top 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old (Pay Attention To #15)
6. She will not sugar-coat the truth
Your friends may avoid giving their real (and often brutal opinions) but you can always count on your big sister to serve it fresh with icing. They don’t care if it breaks your bubble. They know it’s important to open your eyes to the reality and that is exactly what they do.
7. You Are Always Welcome
No matter when you can always count on your sister to be there for you. That’s one bond beyond any ego or distance.
8. She Knows What You’re Made Of
Your big sister is your strength. Even when you have doubts in your own abilities, your sister will always reassure you and give you a boost. She knows you better than anyone, maybe even you.
9. Affordable Therapy
Many times you wish to hear something comforting from someone, but it rarely happens. Not with big sisters though- they know just the things to say in order to cheer you up. They let you vent and then they make you feel like the safest person. Every time you feel you need professional help, try your sister first.
10. She Is always There for You
Big sisters are more forgiving than you give them credit for. In spite of all your stupidity, they will always accept you and protect you. Even when you’ve failed to be of any help to her, she’ll never hold it against you. An elder sister is a blessing. Make sure you cherish her.
Must-Watch: Four Sisters Pose For The Same Exact Photo For 40 Years. Watch Their Incredible Transformation [VIDEO]