Have you ever wondered how to attract a man’s attention? How some women do it so easily while you are constantly ignored by men? If you have, then read ahead to find out what goes inside a man’s brain and how he gets attracted to certain women.
You might be thinking that it has got to do with looks and beauty, but what if it is much more related to the kind of language you use? The answer lies in Science. Men and women both have conscious and unconscious parts in their minds. When a man hears the right thing from a woman, the unconscious part lights up like fireworks on 4th of July. What you say and how you say determines a chemical reaction in his brain which makes him attracted to you.
The Chemistry of love
Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at Rutgers University, says that the molecule called phenyl ethylamine (PEA) is responsible for the chemical processes that occur in a man’s mind that is responsible for the cause of attraction. It is also popularly known as the “Love Hormone” and is as addictive as a drug. When this love hormone is triggered, it produces dopamine. Dopamine is known to produce a feeling of well-being in our minds which consequently makes us happy.
When you are attracted to someone then you feel happy and you tend to smile or laugh a lot. You can barely contain your happiness and feel like you are over the moon. All this just for a crush! This is how powerful PEA and dopamine are. They are as effective as drugs like cocaine. In fact according to Helen Fisher it is “legitimate addiction”.
You can trigger phenyl ethylamine in the mind of a man by using the right language. The things you say are very important and this shows why talking dirty is so exciting for men.
Certain words or phrases delivered with flair and excellence can make him fall for you. The phenyl ethylamine (PEA) triggered in his mind will produce a strong association between you and his dopamine induced feelings and you will become the object of his attention or desire.
The effects of such a mental association could be long lasting and even after you have left, you will be on his mind. He would surely like to interact with you again.
You can use the power of language to your advantage. There are certain lines that can do the trick. There are also some scientifically proven phrases, if spoken at the right moments of interaction can cause him to like you. It is not so difficult. Remember to keep it simple and sweet with a little amount of vulnerability thrown into it. You can try these lines to begin with:
“You know, this is the first date that excites me and freaks me out a little at the same time.”
Or maybe something like:
“There is so much more I want to say, but I’m holding it for the right time…”
There are many more ways to catch a guy’s attention which you can read about over here. Always remember: do NOT lie in order to get his attention because that is very distasteful and will be frowned upon later on when he finds the truth. Other than that, you can go ahead and make full use of this information!
So why don’t you give it a try on that guy you have a crush on for a while?
Read Now: 7 Ways The Girl With The Big Heart But Sarcastic Mind Loves Differently
Image from: aletuzzi