Everyone wants a love that lasts forever. So much so that many people ignore the important signs about their partner because they are clouded by lust and desperation.
Focusing on the good in people is okay but it shouldn’t exceed the limits.
Without a unique connection, chances are you’re in a relationship because you’re emotionally dependent on your partner.
Idealizing your partner for the sake of company, or because you seek for validation can result in a bad heart break later.
How do you confirm if this really is love? These warning signs may help you know your relationship better:
1. You Get Jealous
You hate it when your partner spends time with someone other than you, be it friends or family. You even try to stop them from leaving by creating hurdles or fight with them when they return. It’s not like you don’t trust them, you just need their attention every moment.
2. You’re Always Together
Before this relationship, you had a circle of good friends, hobbies and activities to participate in. You started cutting off with people and gradually abandoned everything to spend more and more time with your partner, making them the center of all your thoughts, time and activities.
3. You Fear They’ll Leave
You feel as if every person they meet will somehow steal them away from you. You’re dreading that one day they’ll leave you for someone better. You’ve even tried keeping them somehow tied to you; afraid to end up alone lest they go.
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4. You Bail All The Time
It’s okay to spend time with each other, but if you’ve been a serial ditcher it could be a warning sign. It shows that you value this relationship more than all others. Most importantly, you do this willingly whenever your partner asks you, which shows your dependence on them.
5. You Rely On Them For Validation
Trusting anyone more than you trust yourself is the first warning sign. Your own validation should be enough for you, as no one knows you better than yourself.
6. It’s All About Appearances
Sometimes you stick to them only because your friends and family like them a lot. Even if there are so many things that make you consider this relationship, you go on because it appears so good.
7. You Want To Change Them
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every person has flaws, but if you feel that you will be happier with someone if you change them, think again. If your current relationship is merely a hope for an improved one, chances are you should seek them in someone else.
8. You’re Controlling
It really affects you when your partner doesn’t listen to you. You crave to have a control over their lives. In case it doesn’t happen, you become moody and problematic.
9. You Genuinely Believe Your Life Would Be Over Without Them
You are so used to them around you that it scares you to even imagine what you would do without them. You’re afraid to end things too, as well as them ending things with you.
10. You Rely On Them For Self-Worth
Everything you do, be it your work or looks- you depend on their judgment every time. Their words can make or ruin your day. You feel distressed and doubtful without their approval.
Remember, love sets you free to create the best version of yourself. Yes, true love has fights and tears, but if it’s more fights and tears than freedom, you are definitely emotionally dependent with the wrong person.
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