Every man has his own way to express love for his partner…
The list you’re about to read consists both, the spiritual and physical support you’ll need at all times.
Look out for these 13 signs that show if he is truly in love with you or not:
1. Doesn’t care about your bad hair days
We’ve all had bad hair days and it has severely affected our confidence levels to walk around with that awful hairstyle. If your boyfriend accepts you as you are no matter how weird your hair looks, then he is a keeper.
2. He doesn’t care about your makeup
He loves your no makeup look as much as your makeup look. We all try to hide our imperfections, but with him you will be comfortable in your skin.
3. Age is just a number
We must have came across old couples who make you believe in the meaning of love and companionship. Growing old is only natural. You both cannot avoid that. He will not care for the wrinkles that emerge on your face or the lines that make you look old.
4. Weight is just another number
Women generally spend a lot of time worrying about their weight. It only becomes an issue when it makes you feel insecure or unattractive. But if your partner is comfortable with how you look, you don’t need to worry. Of course, from the point of view of health you should.
5. Supporting pillar
He knows that you can take care of yourself but he also knows that a little support doesn’t harm anybody. He will hold you up in your difficult times and will never let you feel lonely or friendless.
6. He let go of little things
He will never take the things you said during your bad mood personally. He knows that you are only human and can have bad days. He will not hold a grudge against you for the same.
Read After: You Have 4 Kinds Of Soul Mates. Here’s How To Recognize Each One
7. He isn’t controlling
Often it happens that people mistake controlling with caring. If they genuinely love you then they would not import their control over your life. They will respect you as an individual and let you be free to decide what you want in life.
8. Question of space
He should not be overly clingy. You both are separate people and need time to relax and breathe. If he insists on being there with you at all times then it just isn’t gonna work.
9. He will not try to change you
He should accept you for who you are. If he keeps asking you to change this or that thing about yourself, you should show him the door immediately.
10. Mood swings
No matter how much you love someone; they will inevitably at some point get on your nerves. If he takes your mood swings in the right spirit, and lets you cool down at your own pace, you know he is reliable.
11. Forgiveness
It is one of the most important aspects of a relationship. Forgiveness should be practiced by both of you in case your partner commits a mistake. Don’t be too hard on each other.
12. Second Chances
He will give you another chance if he truly loves you. If he’s willing to do that then he wants to make it work with you which says a lot about his feelings for you.
13. Past relationships
He will help you to heal from the wounds of previous relationships. He will not use them against you in a fight. He will be sensible about it and will help you recover.
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