Dates May Be The Best Fruit In The Planet For Our Health!

Dates have historically been associated with the rich man’s diet. Dates were a luxurious and exotic fruit back in the Middle Ages. Initially exported from the rugged Middle-Eastern kingdoms, dates were incredibly expensive and considered very valuable in the West.

If you think that’s all medieval superstition about rare things, studies have shown why the seemingly innocuous date was considered so prized back in the day.

Dates have enormous health benefits which make them a must for any person’s diet who is trying to live healthy. In modern times date consumption has been restricted to being a luxury food you eat once in a while to tickle your fancy.

It is time to incorporate dates into your regular diet and we are assuming that you will, once you see the benefits it gives you.

The dates are great fruits with a lot of fibre in them and many nutrients good for the digestion and digestive tract.

They have many natural sugars and can replace the white unhealthy sugar perfectly. This fruit is good and fast digested and suppresses cravings. They are like multivitamins due to the calories and nutrition they give you and are safe and good for kids and adults too. Also, they cure many issues like anaemia, cholesterol, cancer prevention and more.

1. Source of Iron

Those that have anemia must eat dates a lot since they will get iron in this way. In 100g dates, you have 0.90g iron and that is 11% of the daily need. Iron is one part of the hemoglobin in the red cells in the blood, and this is crucial for the oxygen in every cell. Also, teenagers and pregnant women need it the most.

2. Good for the Eyes

Dates have zeaxanthin and lutein too, and these are good for eye health. Both these soothe the eye retina and macula and eyesight becomes better. Damage to the macula is prevented as we age.

3. No Diarrhea

They have calcium which is crucial mineral for digestion and stopping the diarrhea. Gut bacteria are also kept healthy by dates to ensure a smooth digestive tract.

4. No Constipation

Dates are great for unplugging the pipes as well! Digestion is better and faster and toxins are removed. Just have a few dates at night and put them in a glass of water. During this night, they will release juices that act like laxatives and work up the intestines well.

5. Reduces Delivery Troubles

One experiment conducted in the Jordan University of Science and Technology, showed that eating dates a month before delivery, reduces pain and bleeding. Women who ate dates gave birth easily than those who did not eat this fruit. Also, dates aid women to cure the postpartum depression easier and have more milk lactation for the babies.

Now that you know, are you going to include dates in your diet? Of course you will!

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