Words have a lot of power. That’s one of the reasons kids are taught not to swear. Words can hurt people, but they can also heal people. Now we understand that this is not just a metaphorical process, but an actual one.
A word creates a certain image in our minds and that image elicits an actual physiological response. Literally what I’m telling you now is that you can talk to the cells in your body!
This makes completely logical sense if you think about it. You’ve all heard about “to keep the positive attitude”, but many fail to grasp that shows up on your physical well-being too! Take that extension and you realize that there is so much to be said for the principle of mind over matter. Did you know that such a conversation will heal you completely and enrich your life?
I know so many people who have reached a point where they have tried every sort of medication and are still unable to cure themselves. I have also come across so many people who know their problem but they don’t know how to solve it. But our body has all the answers.
“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” – Buddha
We often forget the importance of developing a dialogue with our body. Our body is more aware about its flaws than any medication or any doctor will ever be. Our body actually has the ability to completely cure itself. It is just that we don’t give our body an opportunity to heal itself.
We get involved in the external solutions so much that we forget that we can internally deal with most of our troubles. This is only possible if we develop a dialogue with our body. Most of you will wonder why?
Well, because some problems are more internal. It is believed (which I firmly believe it’s 100% true) that most of the time, our external physical problems are just a manifestation of the problems that we have internally. This means that if we look into ourselves and delve into the inner constitution, we might be able to solve all our problems.
This is because most of our external problems represent unfinished work on our core internal values and ethics. Yes, this is true. Various practices of yoga and meditation are premised on this very idea. They function on the idea of polishing and honing your inner system.
Once everything is working well, everything else will surely be in perfect unison. The results will really shock you!
How does one develop this internal dialogue with our own selves?
– Be compassionate and kind with your body. Your cells are deeply aware of the emotions you experience and they will respond according to the way in which you interact with them. And bellow you can hear Lissa Rankin, MD proving this with facts!
– Make your body aware of your desire to create a balance. Getting sick basically means that your body is going through some sort of imbalance. Make your body cooperate and you will surely get better.
– Give time to your body. Most of us become extremely impatient when we are unwell. This is why we look out for the easiest solution that is around us; a solution which can make us well as quickly as possible. This is wrong. Your body needs time and you must give your body the required time to heal itself.
The benefits of this process in the long term are too many to be counted and one little article can’t cover them all. The art of healing your body through a dialogue will change your life! You will not only cure your body but this will have a ripple effect on your soul. You will become a far happier person. You will feel whole and complete within yourself.
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