Death of a loved one can hit us hard. It leaves us feeling lost and dejected in life. It is the most difficult thing in the world to cope from as it leaves a mark on us mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
You can’t just expect to cope from it in a day. It takes time to heal what is broken by the loss of the loved one. It even takes years to fully come out of the mental trauma you must have endured during that time.
Here is a list of 10 things that you will realize when you lose someone really close to you:
1. Different ways to cope
Not everyone starts mourning immediately after someone close passes away. They may shut themselves up and show emotional breakdown later on. The point is that everyone’s way of dealing with loss is different. The way to cope from it also varies from individual to individual.
2. Be ready to talk about it
Talking about it really helps, but you should not be forced to do it. You should take your time to be emotionally ready to open up about this serious thing. It’s not something you can discuss everyday with anyone.
3. Accept vulnerability
Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable due to your emotions. If you’re opening up to the right person, then this fear will never cross you mind. If someone stops you from crying or expressing your emotions then let them say so. You cannot pretend to be normal when you are breaking down on the inside. According to Scientific American, negative emotions are essential for mental health. Don’t be affraid to show them.
4. Don’t shut out friends
Accept all forms of genuine sympathy from friends and family members. You don’t have to shut them because you suffered a huge loss. They are the ones to keep you sane and alive when you feel like giving up. Ask for help when you need it!
5. It’s okay to feel like a mess
If you can’t keep up with your life like the way you used to before this incident happened, no need to worry. You are allowed to feel like a mess as long as you know how to cope with it in a healthy way.
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6. Control on drinking
Extreme grief can push us towards compulsive habits like smoking and drinking. If you find yourself occasionally drunk then reach out for help. Alcohol will not bring your loved one back; neither will it make you feel better in any which way. You are just escaping instead of coping.
7. Holiday it out!
A nice trip to some unknown, unseen place can be therapeutic. Change your surroundings and let yourselves be a part of something you have never done before. Live is to be lived, whether in grief or in happiness.
8. Do what you love doing
Death reminds us of human mortality. Life is short and you are suddenly reminded of the things you haven’t done or said. So start ticking things off that bucket list of yours. You might not have tomorrow as they say!
9. Memories are to be cherished
You will always have the memories of your loved one. Cherish them and hold onto them because they will give you strength to live every day. Celebrate their lives and don’t harp on their death.
10. Time will heal
Time does heal everything. Give yourself time to mourn and properly heal. Do not rush into anything, like new relationships. You should do things at your pace and no one can force you do something. If you think you have the strength to move on then do it because new opportunities seldom come our way.
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