There is a lot that can be learned from the Native Americans especially when it comes to the matters of the spirit. Their experience abounds the experience of any other North American and their wisdom has proved to be every enlightening.
Here is a list of some of those nuggets of wisdom which we can learn from the Native Americans:
1. Sharing is caring
We should share our good fortune with others because no one becomes poor by giving. Charity is a selfless activity and engaging in any kind of charitable business brings good to others and to ourselves.
2. Multiplicity of religion
Native Americans allow plurality of religious faith because there is no point in bringing the diverse world under one umbrella of religion. As there are many people, there are many faiths. We should not force anyone to convert or join some other religious group that the one they follow.
3. Being yourself
Being yourself is very important because if you can’t be true to your own soul, then how can you be true to anyone in the world?
4. Explore your soul
There is much to be gained when you explore your soul. You should be in touch with your deep desires and should be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You can only know what is right for you by doing so.
5. Let others be
Don’t force yourself on others and give them their space.
6. Peace
Try to be the one who brings peace to people and the world rather than pain. Negative thoughts and actions harm everyone around you including yourself.
7. Respect for mother earth
You should not take anything for granted especially the environment. We should act like responsible people and have basic respect for our natural resources. Julia Roberts describes it perfectly in this video.
8. Caring for children
We should be thoughtful in raising children because they are the members of the upcoming generation. They need to be taught values and displine so that they can become responsible human beings.
9. Apologizing
Learn to accept your mistakes and say sorry whenever it is required. Accepting mistakes makes us free from unnecessary stress and apologizing gives us guilt free soul.
10. No negativity
Unnecessary negativity only brings stress and anxiety. So try to stay away from such people and thoughts altogether.
11. Empathize
We all are connected to each other in some way or the other. You need to empathize with others in order to spread love and kindness.
12. Say no to gossips
Stop indulging in meaningless gossips mongering. It does not do any good to anyone. Such activities only spread negativity and hatred.
13. Pray
It never hurts to pray. Even a little prayer said for you loved ones can do wonders. It strengthens our bond with the higher power (if you believe in it).
14. Tolerance is important
The only way to peace and harmony is to accept that people are different and let them live the way they want to. Acceptance of tolerance and diversity is crucial for world peace.
15. Make your decisions
Stop letting others make your decisions. Decide what you want to do in your life.
16. Be hospitable
Treat your guests with kindness and affection.
17. Try to be content
Contentment is very hard to realize in life. In order to feel content you need to count your blessings and stop counting others’.
18. Balance
Try to be a balanced individual rather than running on the extremes. Balance is everything.
19. Honesty
Being truthful is really important because lies can put you in unfavorable situations.
20. Past is in the past
What’s gone is gone. There is no point in crying after it. Respect your past and move on towards the future.
Must-Read: 10 Quotes From a Sioux Indian Chief That Will Make You Question Everything About “Modern” Culture
Image source: Wikimedia