Sometimes when you are home alone, whether you are cooking, reading, just listening to music or watching Netflix, do you feel like you are not alone or are being watched? Do you ever could just feel someones presence near you? You feel a chill run down your spine and a weird sensation of being touched or walked by, when you are alone? You sometimes see that small things are misplaced when you could have sworn that you kept it at a certain place.
If all of this is happening, there is no doubt that you have probably asked yourself the question “is my house haunted?” and then had the rational part of your thought process tell you that there must be an explanation for all the supposedly weird occurrences, but Dr. Athena Perrakis of Sage Goddess would tell you otherwise. She not only says that the existence of a spirit is a legitimate reason for the happenings, but also informs us that spirit activity is pretty high during this time of the year.
There are many ways to find out if your house is actually haunted. Read on to find out!
1. You Hear Voices
Ghost hunter, Adam Berry, who has his own TV show on TLC says that voices that you seemingly hear out of nowhere are a very pertinent sign of a spirit being around. Is the creaky noise the door makes just because your house is old or is there more to it? All comes down to your belief system.
Must read: Use These 4 Ancient Methods to Ward Off Negative Energy Out of your Home
2. Things moving, breaking and falling
Adam Berry, as well as Tracee Dunblaizer (a spiritual empath), both agree that things falling and breaking, especially on a regular basis, is a definite sign of a spirit around! And in the case where you could swear you left a certain thing at one place and found it somewhere different, or you find it broken, that is just your friendly ghost playing games with you.
3. Mood swings and simply feeling “weird”
If you and the people that you live with are having many unexplained mood swings, or are just feeling overwhelmed all the time, you might want to attribute this change of behavior to a probable spirit sharing your living space with you. You might go through sudden periods of extreme emotional disturbance or outbursts of anger that stems from unclear places.
When something doesn’t feel quite right and you just feel “off” for no reason at your own house, well now you know what might be the reason behind that.
4. Kids behave weirdly
Kids are way more sensitive and perceptive when it comes to picking up and recognizing energy. You might have a kid of your own or might be taking care of a friend’s kid for the day, but if a kid in your house refuses to go into certain parts and rooms of the house, do not dismiss it as just whims and fancies of a kid. More often than not, this irrational behavior in children is caused by the presence of a spirit.
5. You keep having bad dreams
Experts say that bad dreams and lucid nightmares are a very important sign of the presence of the paranormal. It is said that when you are asleep, your unconscious can and does communicate with the spirits that are haunting your house. It is in your dreams that they talk to you and express their approval if YOU are allowed on THEIR territory.
6. Maybe it’s not your house but your belongings that are haunted
Sometimes it so happens that it is not your house that is haunted but a certain piece of furniture, any small memento or a show piece that is placed in your house that might be haunted. If you feel like there might be a piece of furniture or a belonging that might be haunted, get rid of it as soon as you possibly can. With that, the spirit might leave too.
7. Bizarre pet behavior
It is a pretty well known and established fact that pets are way more perceptive in these cases. If your kitten or dog stares at nothing for too long and starts making noises at “it”, do not dismiss that.
8. Guests leave early
When you live in a haunted house, you sometimes miss out on the covert eerie vibes the house might give out, but your guests do not. They get uncomfortable and leave earlier than they were supposed to. That is because of the weird and uncomfortable energy in the house due to the spirits present in it.