Thailand might not seem like the best holiday destination at first, but one only realises the magic and charm of Thailand once you get on a plane and actually pay a visit to what can be called a tropical paradise.
There are not only sights to die for and beautiful Instagram worthy beaches and really cheap massages, but the best thing about Thailand is undoubtedly its food and culture.
The food in Thailand is way more than what we know from eating takeout.
One can learn about tons of healthy eating habits unique to Thailand and make significant modifications to your habits.
1. They don’t really eat ‘meals’
Thai people do not really have clearly differentiated meals, say breakfast, lunch or dinner. They eat something all day long and are always working sweat up, taking care of their bodies. They have no restrictions so they do not really binge; they’re just munching on something all day long.
2. They don’t eat gluten
Thai food begins and ends with rice. They even make noodles out of rice and not only that; they even have desserts that revolve around rice. Gluten is not a part of their diet in any way.
3. No dairy
You will find no dairy in Thailand. None at all. They use coconut milk and there is absolutely no trace of cow milk anywhere.
4. They love coconuts
Like I said, there is no dairy anywhere, but there is plenty of coconut milk everywhere you look.
You can find it in your entree and your desert in equal amounts and it is nothing less than absolutely delicious.
Thai people love coconut water too, and you will find every third person sipping on some. Coconut water and coconut milk are both rich in electrolytes and does wonders for your health and body.
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5. Spice
They eat tons of spice. Their food is extremely spicy and they believe that it burns the stuff that is not good for your body, and it turns out it is true.
Eating spicy food makes your body hot and speeds up your metabolism. When you eat spicy food, you tend to eat slower, which helps digestion and allows your body to systematically fill up, in a healthier way.
6. They are obsessed with sun protection
This is pretty sad because the interest in sun protection is not because they want to protect themselves from skin diseases, but because they are heavily influenced by the unhealthy beauty standards that are promoted by mainstream media.
7. They eat a lot of ginger
Ginger is full of all kinds of medicinal benefits. Ginger helps heal and prevent common cold, bloating, inflammation, do wonders for your metabolism and help you burn fat organically.
Everywhere in Thailand you will be served ginger tea, complimentary, even without you asking. A lot of their dishes are rich in ginger, too.
8. Their fast food is actually quick
When you think about fast food, what comes to our mind are the fast food chains, say McDonalds, KFC and Burger King, which you cannot say they are cheap.
Fast food in Thailand is cheap and nothing close to what the western world understands the word “fast food”. Their fast food is freshly cut mango, sticky rice, coconut flesh and so on.
9. They are really nice people
The Thai are the absolute epitome of calmness. They are polite and truly peaceful. Their roads are quiet and you will never hear unnecessary honking or shouting, which means that they are mostly stress free.
Everyone knows how bad the effects of stress are, on the mind, body and soul.
10. Nobody beats them at Yoga, Massage, etc …
There is a reason why massages are so cheap in Thailand, everyone there learns the art of massaging as a kid and it is not something that one does specially.
If you walk around in the streets, you will find that friends are massaging each other or doing yoga. They look at yoga as a form of massaging their own self.
11. Plant party people
People who eat a lot of plants are plant party people and the Thai are the true definition of the phrase.
They eat everything fresh! They definitely eat meat but that is the extent of non-fresh food they eat.