Everyone has a higher, transcendental, inner self; an unconscious known to none. This is the mental realm connected to the intricate network of the universe.
It is the unconscious realm that is the realm of all natural laws and habits. We mourn our loved ones, for example because of this higher, more natural self.
This is the same realm which is the abode of genius. Thinkers, scientists and philosophers have all tapped into it for inspiration and plain impetus for thought.
Here are seven ways it might be tapped:
1. Writing a journal
Writing in a personal diary or journal is one of the many ways in which a soliloquy is achieved: a conversation with the self.
Remembrance itself is an act of upheaval, and the same shuffling of memories is a way to tap into the reservoir of all experience: the unconscious.
2. Inner dialogue
Anything that establishes a dialogue with the self is something you should try. There is a mental exercise that one can try:
Take a blank piece of paper and fold it in two. On the right side, write your question/thought.
Take a deep breath and close your eyes for a minute. Then read what you wrote, carefully.
Then write what you think about what you wrote, like a reply on the left side.
See where your thoughts strayed and what you learnt.
The unconscious answers in mysterious ways; to tap into it, make sure you don’t think too much when you reply.
Related article: If You Experience Any of These 22 Signs Your Higher Self Is Starting To Manifest
3. Dreams
The very art and science of psychoanalysis was born from the study of dreams by the greats like Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Jacques Lacan. Dreams were attributed with prophetic powers and the stories about dreams being divine messages are only too common. Before you go to sleep, do what relaxes you: listen to some music, take deep breaths, or do whatever works for you.
Write down a question on a piece of paper and think on it. Go to sleep.
When you wake up, try and recall your dreams. Think on it like you would on a math problem. Dreams are oblique and never direct.
If you find any meaning, write it as an answer to the question you asked yourself.
4. Pay attention
Live in the now.
Concentrate on every little detail of life as you live it. What you eat, what you wear, what you see, what you smell, what you hear etc. This is storing information, providing fuel for the unconscious to think on. Do this every day and try to establish a dialogue with the self in one of the ways we described above.
5. Lessons from life
Learn from experience, be rational and empirical. Every single experience, from major to minor, is like a chapter of a guide-book; make sure to think on them.
Analyse. Think on what exactly happened and try to answer the “why?”
Self-reflection and introspection are things that hasten the process of contact with the unconscious.
6. Learning to love solitude
It is for this reason that most geniuses were recluses. From Tesla to Swift, to Emerson, to Tagore, each one of them tried to spend time away from the din of the cities. Melville went far enough to buy his famous house Arrowhead outside the city, in the outskirts.
It is in solitude that mental energies can be truly and completely harmonized and explored.
Learn to revel in it.
7. Meditation
Of course we saved the most obvious for the last. Try and spend a small amount of time each day in a meditative state. It doesn’t have to be in any particular posture, sometimes even lying down works. Try to focus on your thoughts and ideas and your existence in general; feel the life-force flowing through you. It is at that state that you can achieve contact with the reservoir of all ideas and inspiration.