I was about to quit my phone forever. My intention was to lose myself from the crowd and start this blog without any distractions by receiving notifications from Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Viber, messages or calls. The things I faced from online payments to PayPal transfers, 4 digit codes and security measures are pushing you to have one. Some things cannot proceed without you leaving your phone number.
Aside from the social networks, the real social life requires you to have a phone for connecting with people, since we are not in the B.C. era, but it clearly bound us.
However, these 6 months were my personal months of transformation. I faced a period of metamorphosing myself from a shackled technology guy, to an individual going for his vision. I cannot explain the feeling of relief that you no longer rely on something virtually connected. I threw myself in the time when I was young, free and knocking on doors to call my friends out. Let’s not forget the hopscotch game.
The first week
Although it was mission impossible for me, I was highly motivated to leave my phone and somehow connect with people in another way (more real one). I sold my phone and I started.
The first couple of days I was always picking my pocket because I thought “my phone” was ringing. It was just the habit that stayed from the previous 12 years of phone usage. However, there wasn’t anything in my pockets but the keys from my car, home and the wallet. I felt somehow empty.
I was losing sight of my friends. The first 2-3 days they were laughing because they thought I would buy new phone immediately, but that didn’t happen until today (6 months from now).
Week 2-5
The connections with almost everybody got pretty cloudy. I lost all the connections with my closed ones and I was the only individual in my environment performing an unimaginable stunt. I was always impatient and using my brother’s phone 2 times a day to check my social profiles and update them from time to time. I was addicted to living a life for my virtual crowd.
If I went to a mountain, for a run or to a restaurant, I had to make sure that everyone knows that and get a nonexistent standing ovation by liking my pictures and check-ins. If I was a famous person these things would be a must for my fans, by I’m Nikola from Macedonia. I had 0 benefits from doing that, but to lose my time and spend my life on something that is tucked in microchips.
After the fifth week has passed, I started to look at things differently.
Second up to 3rd month
The second month gave me knowledge that people are living a virtual life that is 180 degrees away from present time. They are even being offended when they’re told that they over-use their phones. It’s kind of a sick-lying addiction. I don’t exactly know what’s so magnetic in the phone or computer, but even my 8 months old niece stops crying when she’s given a phone or a laptop.
Every time I sat with people trying to make conversation I was only communicating 1/3 of the time. The other 2/3 was passed as me looking around while my friends were “socializing” on Snapchat, Viber, WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networks.
Before I was saying that we are addicted, we are crazy that we over-use our phones, but the things I saw when I stood out and when I acknowledged them from a different perspective, were totally different. I saw that if people can’t be told that phones shouldn’t be hackneyed, they can be show. My “fiesta” started when people saw that one human can be happy and determined without any phones and social networks.
Third up to 6th month
After the third month people acknowledged that I was out of the private social networks and I wasn’t the same guy who can be reached on (at least) 3 social networks in any time. I was the guy who could be reached if they ran in me on the streets.
However, if my main goal was trying to be more appreciated when I left my phone and do it for people instead of learning a lesson myself, I would consider myself as dumb, stupid, attention seeker and other bad characteristics. I was doing everything for myself and to show people that abusing technology can be the worst thing.
Today, I am happy and healthy person, improving in every sphere in my life, waking up every morning early, reading a couple of motivational writings, drinking coffee (not with salt), working on my website, eating healthy, working out and doing things without me worrying about anything that happens except the things “here and now”. The things I learned from leaving my phone were irreversible. I am widely awake now.
Today on 8.8.2014
On this day, 6 months without a phone, I am clearly aware that people shouldn’t sell the phone as I did, but I found that to be the most helpful way to erase all my addictions to social networks. People shouldn’t have any minute spend on their social networks unless their job depends on it. Getting clapped from a virtual crowd will suck up your real life. I’m writing this from every human on this earth addicted to social networks, even though my income depends on it. LEAVE YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS UNLESS YOU WORK ON THEM OR NEED DAILY MOTIVATION (not more than 20 minutes). It’s no different addiction than drugs or alcohol.
Life is really beautiful not to be viewed with our real eyes.
Today I bought a phone because I had to connect it with my business and to call my family and friends from time to time. I am clear from addiction, truly aware of people abusing phone wrongly and trying to reconsider you to follow my steps. Believe me it will give you the right direction in life. Don’t forget that you only need the first 21 days to do that.