“Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began...
Our sleep offers a chance to temporarily free our selves from the physical reality that our body seems to constrain us to...
The point of this article is not to try to exclude certain groups of people from one another or appeal to a...
Baba Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva was born on January 31, 1911. She died on August 11, 1996 . She lived in the city...
If the descendants of ancient legends truly exist among us today, these are they. Despite the odds, the nomads of Outer Mongolia...
I know a lot of spiritual truths can sound esoteric and unrealistic. When someone says that we’re all one, what does that...
Mantras are like lotus flowers that spring from the murky depths of our minds, and blossom into the purity of being. For...