One person is rich when he has the desire to put effort to expand his knowledge. One great idea would be to start, while some people never seem to acknowledge that. If you ask a runner, what’s the most difficult task in his running process he/she will say: “going out of the door.” It’s all smooth and sliding after we start. The beginning is always the hardest until we get in the mechanism.
There are man secrets and so-called “life hacks” that all men should be aware of (some can be useful to women likewise.)
We are living in a world where knowledge and practice can bring us anything we want. Making mistakes, reading, making mistakes again, practice and persistence continuously claims to be the perfect formula for success, extensional happiness, wealth, health and wellness, and even love.
The next secrets will ease your life on a level that you will wonder how come these things weren’t in my sphere of knowledge before. Stop questioning and read the secrets that will save you a lot of trouble in life.
1. Boxer-briefs are better than boxers or briefs
2. A steak needs to rest after it comes off the heat for a few minutes before you cut into it for maximum flavor
3. You can use a rubber band to pull out a stripped screw by placing it in-between the screw and your screwdriver/drill
4. Confidence is the f**king key to everything. It is also the key to f**king everything
5. Keep your fingernails neat and trimmed is a sign of sexual intelligence
6. A sane 6 is better than a crazy 9
7. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry
8. You know that cream that removes leg hair for women? Don’t use that on your testicles. Just don’t
9. Keep a sweater in your car. Your wife/girlfriend/date will be cold at some point in time
10. She isn’t always right. She will appreciate you sticking up for yourself. Just don’t be ignorant about it
11. Use baby-wipes for wiping. Your life will change
12. Shower beer. Do it, your life will also change
13. Putting Rogaine on your face every day for a month will not make your beard grow better/thicker. It will just give your horrible acne
14. The majority of the time, a woman doesn’t want you to solve her problems when venting to you. Rather she just wants you to listen to said problems/issues
15. When shaving your Adam’s apple, in order to not cut yourself swallow and hold to make it “flatter’
16. Treat women like people. Too many guys talk to girls as if they’re goddamn alien race
17. Beards don’t make you hot in the summer. They make you cool
18. Don’t touch your genitals after cutting jalapenos. Seriously
19. Gay men do not automatically fancy you, just because they are gay
20. You have to wash everywhere. Including where the sun doesn’t shine
21. Righty tighty, lefty loosy!
22. Compliment a woman on her shoes. It does wonders
23. If you have a job interview, drive the route to the building the day before. That way you’re comfortable with the route and you won’t be searching for the building stressed out
24. Keep 40$ hidden in your wallet. This is for emergencies only. Not I-need-to-buy-beer emergencies, but I-need-to-get-home emergencies
25. You don’t have to get married, even though it seems like that is all everyone is talking about
In my own experience, the following life aphorisms have created the person I am for better. If we want to change we have to get vast knowledge, even if it’s as small as “touching your genitals after cutting jalapenos!”