Let’s clear the overall meaning of the word “gentleman” first, even though today we will focus more on relationship-type-of-a-gentleman.
A true gentleman is a man that is respectful to everyone in his niche (even outside of it.) It’s not just a catch to a girl you want to date and show her what kind of sneak you are. It’s a way of life. Being gentleman means to be respectful to elderly people, to a woman you would never date, and finally to the lady you would like to build your future with. Gentleman takes precise care of his appearance, is polite to everyone who deserves it, and is kind to all sort of women.
We need to be self-aware, mature, and courteous to acknowledge the true meaning of being a gentleman.
Even though it’s “endangered species” the race of the gentleman is still viable. For change, we can read this ways to be extremely desirable gentleman and make that change that will matter in this world (or at least to the girl that matters most in our world.)
1. Stay Faithful
Let’s just say this out loud and clear, REAL MAN STAY FAITHFUL. They just don’t cheat, period.
2. Admit When You’re Wrong
Admitting when you’re wrong will save a lot of time. Don’t feed your ego with it.
3. Say Nice Things
Always say nice things to her when you really mean them. There’s also no harm in saying nice things when she wants them to hear.
4. When She Cries
Don’t you lose your temper. Don’t utter a word. Hold her hand and make her feel calm and safe.
5. Love Her With Complete Trust
Just don’t think about your past. Forget how bad things ended up (if they did.)
6. Never Compare
The most stupid thing you can do is to compare her to another girl. (Comparing her with your ex could be wrathful.)
7. Don’t Overpromise
Don’t make promises you can’t completely fulfil. (Off the record, completely means 200% and not 100%)
8. Text Her Often
Simple messages like good morning and good night work way beyond your belief. (Do it on a daily bases, not when you feel like.)
9. Spend Time With Her
Spending time with your girl is nice, but don’t trash your friends.
10.Be Chivalrous
Do things like hold a door for her, help her into a car, hold her hand when crossing the road etc.
11.Lying Is The Devil
True gentleman never lies to his girl. And not only to his girl, but to anyone.
Treat your women with respect. Be polite and care for her, and everything she cares for.
13.Be a Good Listener
You have to listen at all times. Talk to your mates if you have to, but with your girl you need to LISTEN.
14.Romantic Gestures
Simple as writing “I love you” on note or calling her unexpectedly in the middle of the day qualifies as a romantic gestures.
15.Never Ask Her About The Last Guy She Was With
This is forbidden. More forbidden than the forbidden fruit!
16.Don’t Be Rude
Gentleman is never rude.
17.Never Blame Her For Your Mistakes
Blaming is never a trait of a gentleman, not even if it’s not your mistake.
18.Laugh At Her Jokes
Sometimes you have to force it, but laugh at all cost.
19.Have Pillow Fight With Her
Control your man-ish power here.
20.Talking Bad Behind Her Back
Not a good idea mate.
21.Dress Well
Always dress well in front of the public.
22.Reply To Her Texts
Or risk the life of your phone.
23.Never Ask Her To Buy You Something
That’s just pure simple douchebag-ness.
24.Never Forget Her Birthday
We all know what happens if you do (if you did it once you would never do it again.)
25.Pay For Dinner
Be well suited when going to a dinner.
26.Good Hygiene
Cut your nails, keep your hair combed. Have a good hygiene for all the important parts of your body.
27.Don’t Force Her
Even when you desperately want to watch your favorite match with a few pints of beer and she wants to go out shopping. Sometimes you have to go shopping.
28.Give Her Your Jacket When She Feels Cold
I understand that you will be freezing to death, but gentleman can never show that (By the way “I’m cold” is a good sign if you’re on your first date. That’s the part when she wants you to warm her.)
29.If She Can’t Sleep
Be more creative! “Just try to sleep” is not being creative.
30.Give Her Flowers
Not every day, but do it occasionally.
31.Notice The Little Thing
Little things matter to her.
32.Carry Things For Her
That’s actually one part of chivalrousness.
33.Compliment Her
Do that as much as possible, and a bit more.
34.Make Her Happy
Do whatever you can to make her happy.
35.Never Slap Her
Even if it’s just in a fun way.
36.If She Slaps You
Don’t utter a word. You probably deserved that.
37.If You Love Her
Don’t just say, show her every day, whenever, wherever you can.
38.Don’t Judge Her
Never, ever. It’s bad karma.
39.Expect Less
And give more.
40.Be Spontaneous
Women hate dumb guys.
41.Be Co-Operative
At all costs. It’s good for your mental health.
42.Smile Often
And you will see her smiling.
43.Don’t Take Her For Granted
She’s the best thing that’s happened to you, and if she isn’t there is more reasons not to take her for granted.
44.Hug Her From The Back
From the font means you want her; from back means you adore her. She likes both, and even sideways.
45.Kiss the Back Of Her Hand
Front, back, sides, and arm. Kiss all you can, while you can, but know your limits. Don’t overdo it.
46.Good Grammar Is Sexy
Never underestimate the seductive power of a fine vocabulary.
47.Watch The Sunset With Her
It’s romantic, especially for her.
48.Accept Her For Who She Is
Don’t let your expectations ruin what you are getting, you never know, it may be better.
49.Call her Beautiful Instead Of Hot Or Sexy
Once you’ve said it a few times, then you can call her a bomb.
50.Always Have Her Back
Gentlemen don’t hold on to grudges, and always forgive.
51.Never Let Her Walk Home Alone
You never know what you’ll get in return
52.Give Her Piggy Back Rides
And she’ll give you a better ride.
53.Boobs Or Butts Don’t Matter
They do, but don’t show it. Shhhhh
54.Don’t Swear
55.Hang Out With Her Friends Too, Not Just Yours
Don’t miss the opportunity.
56.She’s More Important Than Video Games
Overall “yes”. Especially when you’re losing.
57.Never Insult Her, Even If You’re Joking Around
It’s not what gentlemen would do.
58.Never Be Late For a Date
Work can wait, girls can’t.
59.Unexpected Surprises
Give them and get them. It’s a two way street.
60.Make Her Feel Like a Princess
Age doesn’t matter.
61.Let Her Rest Her Head On Your Shoulders
Rest will follow.
62.Never Make Excuses
Men aren’t good at it. We have to admit it.
63.Don’t Talk To Her When You’re Mad
You will crew something up.
64.Actions Speak Louder Than Words
And the girls see if you’re acting.
65.Girls Love Guys With That Cute Smirk
Yes they do!
66.She Comes First
Always. End of story.
67.Don’t Brag
But if she does, listen carefully.
68.Never Let a Day Pass Without Saying ‘I Love You’ To Her
At least a couple of times a day.
69.Forehead Kisses
Even if her forehead is sweaty.
70.Have Those ‘I Love You More’ Fights With Her
Make sure she wins every single time.
71.Kiss Her Spontaneously In The Middle Of Her Sentence
Especially when you think she’s about to get mad on you for your wrong doing.
72.Kiss Her When She’s Sleeping
Now, that’s a good thing to do, especially if she notices it.
73.Have Tickle Fights With Her
Just don’t kill her.
74.Saying Sorry Doesn’t Fix The Problem
It’s what you do after that count.
75.Be The Guy She Wants To Introduce To Her Parents
Not the one she’s hiding from them.
Manhood is something that is born within us after we gain maturity. It is the first “crack in the egg” before we become true men.