5 Simple Ways To Start Earning By Doing What You Truly Love
You are alive today in the age of information. Thoughts overflow from every side. People say what they think you should do, or that you should continue pursuing your heredity.
We may think that we are the only ones who have influence over our lives, but that’s the exact opposite. Reality is that you have to choose your environment that will make you the way you want to be.
That is why we have so much powerful marketing these days. Smart companies know the significance of information on sight. You may not see all the billboards around, but they impact the way you think. You may decline sweets from your granny, but with massive persuasion, you will have one bite.
That’s what we’re surrounded with. Marketing and false persuasions.
With the following simple ways to start earning by doing what you truly love, we may find a solution for the mayhem. And that is not going in the village (even though there’s nothing wrong with it, too.)
1. Find what you want
According to Washington Post only 13% of employees are “engaged” in their jobs, or emotionally invested in their work and focused on helping their organizations improve.
The data, which are based on nationally representative polling samples in 2011 and 2012 from more than 140 countries, show that 63 percent are “not engaged”—or simply unmotivated and unlikely to exert extra effort—while the remaining 24 percent are “actively disengaged,” or truly unhappy and unproductive.
It circles around in every society and business, and we’re awed why so many companies go to poverty and decay. It’s clearly said in the research.
To join the 13 percent (and change this devilish number) we need to sit and think. It’s no mistake that we find what we truly want by experience, but after 5-7 years of work, you should already know.
Your first step is to find what you want. Working what you don’t like it’s selfish. Your pessimism can bring a whole firm down.
Be a part of society and help us grow with your expertise.
2. Find the job
If someone says “there is no job available for me” I will almost believe that. With so many technology these days, there is no such a thing.
One of the simplest way is to Google it.
Even if you want to be worm picker, or a pet food taster, there are available job opportunities around the globe.
On Forbes list of 10 best websites for your carrier, you can find each and everything.
If you still deny the fact, the blame is only on you. For 10 minutes of research you can find a spot to apply for the job of your dreams.
3. Update constantly
In most businesses and individuals, a common mistake shows on the surface. People don’t update in their areas.
Even a pet food taster needs to upgrade. There are always fresh leftovers for him to chew!
Not to mention things around technology. If you oversleep one day, you may fall off track.
As I was reading a book from Sigmund Freud a couple of years ago, he said something that triggered me: “Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.”
The most brilliant way is to gather knowledge from all the poets who’s been there before you and connect two dots. By connecting dots from experts knowledge + the new discoveries, you can attain pretty good outcome.
Read more books and things you’re really interested in. Miley Cyrus and Kim are not one of them (I guess.)
4. Don’t let money stop you
Many I know (I’m sure you do too) never start doing what they love because they feel like they won’t generate income like they previously have.
Who wants to sell drugs, or be a smuggler? These are all high risk, illegal jobs that generate great money in a short period of time. People still believe they can generate without effort, and this may be the greatest blasphemy of all times.
Money, as I say in all of my writings, are tool, so you can generate even bigger vision. As long as they are your 1st goal, you haven’t found what you want, and certainly haven’t any self-fulfilling jobs.
You run with money next to you to a greater goal. If the goal is money, your hands are empty.
5. Ask people who are more experienced than you
People who love their job, and made a fortune out of it, will always give you advice. Don’t ever think twice to ask for help.
With the technology these days, finding email is always couple of clicks away. Experts help.
Rarely people won’t give you any answers, which probably you haven’t found the right source to ask.
I asked one guy how to start a blog, a he sent me a whole “step by step” information about it, which is why I am here now.
Bottom Line
Sometimes I feel really stupid, how we complicate things. Everything is one click away now.
If there’s something we should know about earning by doing what we love, is that it will take our whole life doing that! This is a bit scary. And imagine that doing what you don’t like will take away your time too.
Better spend your time wisely because it’s the best investment you’ll ever make, especially when you do the things you truly love.