When Tom Hanks was asked on the red carpet why his marriage to Rita Wilson is borderline “untouchable,” the actor had a pretty simple answer.
So what is their secret?
He and his wife of 27 years got married “for all of the right reasons.”
“When we first looked at each other there was definitely a kind of a, ‘Hey, this is the place!’ I felt that anyway,” Hanks tells Entertainment Tonight. “I think the end result is that we got married for all the right reasons.”
What those right reasons are, Hanks still isn’t sure, but what is for sure is that he and Rita “like” each other, he tells People Magazine.
“I wish there was a secret, you know. We just like each other. You start there.”
Despite opinions that argue a marriage is hard work, Hanks, who is promoting his new movie, “Sully,” says otherwise.
Yes, life does sometimes get in the way of endless joy and happiness.
But because of the love he and Rita have for one another, life’s bumps in the road are much more enjoyable to get over and even help the two of them grow closer together.
“Life is one damn thing after another and its actually more pleasant to be able to go home with someone you like to spend time with in order to get with it,” he says.
It seems clear that if there is a secret to a successful marriage, it has something to do with love, support, and the willingness to get over the proverbial “bumps in the road” together.
Reference: Lift Bump