What does it mean to shift from 3D Consciousness into the 5th Dimension?
One could say this shift is like a massive update to your entire operating system. It’s like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0.
When we are ready to move beyond the 3rd dimension, we must go through the 4th dimension before we can enter the 5th. The 4th acts much like a purifying filter, for it is the realm of the heart that is filled with love, oneness and lightness. The 5th dimension is an even lighter in frequency, having a more pure love, cosmic consciousness and a true multi-dimensional reality.
We will be inside this photon belt of energy for the next 2000 years, causing a massive shift in consciousness for the entire humanity. Everyone on our planet will be shifting from 3D consciousness into a 5th Dimensional “enlightened reality”.
The shift will be bringing humanity into the Aquarian age of being one unified harmonious world working together in peace. It will occur as a very slow digestible rate that is easy to assimilate and integrate.
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In my personal research with the inner worlds through my guide in deep meditation practices, I’ve discovered that there are 7 Basic Signs That You’re Entering the 5th Dimension. The cool aspect is that these signs happen for everyone. There are many more wild multi-dimensional experiences that will naturally occur for you during your shift from 3D to 5D, yet these 7 signs are guaranteed across the board.
If you are willing to remain in trust, love and surrender to your highest self you will naturally ascend and open yourself up to experiencing the 5th Dimensional consciousness with joy and effortless ease.
The best advice I’ve ever received was don’t take the shift too seriously, have fun and remember this is all a massive play of consciousness here for our individual and collective awakenings. Enjoy this grand spiritual adventure it is a truly amazing journey!
The 7 signs that you’re entering the 5th Dimension
1. Daily life will be bubbling more often with feelings of great joy, lightness, love and wonder.
The 4th and 5th dimensions are like receiving a major upgrade in your operating software and DNA hardware. It’s as if your mind-body will be offered to work inside the newest fastest computer that operates smoothly at the speed of light! It will help if you reboot it (meditate, exercise and go raw/vegetarian diet) which will make your body and mind much more stable, expansive, have a sharp creative mind, clear memory, and make your overall life much easier to operate.
During this upgrade from 3D to 4D you will experience random feelings of deep inner peace, and thoughts about letting go of everything in your life. When you wake up in the morning it will be easier to stop dwelling on any harsh “3D issues” such as lacking money, lacking love, too many bills to pay, debt, schedules, ill health, not having enough time or too many things to do.
In the 4th and 5th dimensions it is not possible to live in fear. When your karma (energetic subconscious patterns) comes up to be processed and released, you will feel this and naturally something deep inside you will just relax and let it go. There is a deeper trust, sensitivity, and ability to feel the old pattern your body is holding onto. Do not over identify with it. Just know who you are cannot be limited or labeled any quantified experience.
How to know that you’re entering the 4D or 5th Dimensional realm, you’ll feel very spacious and light. You’ll be open to trusting the constant effortless flow of life in each moment. A real feeling of wonder and excitement will be inside you about your life, as this natural lightness will help you to greet new opportunities with real love and gratitude each moment.
As you explore this transition from 3D to the 5th Dimension, it’s best to practice accepting yourself as you are. Welcome whatever experience arises with an open mind and then let it go! Get to know yourself as a spiritual being, who is limitless, all powerful, and deeply connected to the Source of All that is.
2. Heavy negative issues you’re carrying will release easier and move through you more quickly.
Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. You too will be learning how to let go, drop your negativity, smallness, powerlessness, incompetency, and poverty consciousness. You will be releasing all your old heavy baggage you’ve been carrying for lifetimes! This is the only way you can enter into these higher vibrational 4D and 5D levels that are full of trust, lightness, laughter and love.
Any old memory that your body is holding onto that is not full of the highest frequency will come up for you to feel, review and re-experience. Your job is to use that information as a springboard to take you deeper inside, into the core of your being where you can merge with it, melt into it, and transform it. This is all about true alchemy.
Instead of it taking months or years in psychotherapy for your karma to dissolve it will take minutes or seconds! It’s like the Universe will be turning up the velocity on your inner juicer and turning your dense heavy substances (thought feelings) removing the pulp, keeping the essential nutrients and giving you a more enlightened experience of life that feels like liquid light!
Read more: A Galactic Tidal Wave Of Divine Light Is Descending Upon Earth. The Old Reality Is Ending!
3. You will physically experience the world as being more beautiful with your senses.
The colors of the world will look brighter, stronger and have more pizzazz to them! You see a wider spectrum of colors, that may appear like rainbow ‘hippie’ colors.
When you’re more emotional the colors are even more beautiful and have a happy vibration to them. When you meet people who are living in the 5th as well, can bring up such a deep happiness inside they could bring tears of joy to your eyes.
You will be able to hear the divine song of creation, the music of the spheres, the eternal OM, and the sound of silence. You can attune your listening to an orchestra of light that is constantly playing in the background, bringing tears of joy to your heart.
You’ll feel and know you are communicating with the 5th dimensional beings who are tuned into you by a deep interconnected feeling in the chest, heart and belly. Your mind will be quiet and at ease, and you’ll not have any doubt that you are receiving a “download” from them.
The higher the frequency of the subject that you want to talk about with them, the easier it is for them to hear, understand and notice that you’re speaking to them.
As every being on the entire planet receives their upgrade, it’ll become easier and easier to hear the messages from 5th dimensional beings, yet the real work will be in integrating what they are saying and how to apply it to your life. It’s like a 3rd grader entering the classroom of a physics mastery program and trying to remember and relate the pertinent information to his world.
Most people will be able to hear these higher dimensional messages long before they will see the beings saying them. It all depends on your belief system and your ability to transcend the layers of limiting thoughts that restrict your consciousness from experiencing the seeming impossible.
4. Time will feel fluid, eternal and illusory.
You will move like water from one event and life experience to the next. There will be no judgment or ill feelings about how or why things are done the way they are done. You will realize that you are not the doer, and that things are being done through you.
The same number of events will happen in a day, yet there will so many more juicy experiences, full of lightness and love that it creates a timeless sensation of your life.
What seems like 2 weeks in 3rd Dimension, can seem like a month or more in 5th Dimension. The normal string of events in a day may not seem to happen in order or a “straight line”. You may experience them randomly or move instantly from point A to point H or Z in seconds.
The 3D view of time will seem pointless and like kindergarten consciousness as you’ll understand that there is no end to this life. You’ll know you are an eternal being who cannot die and is all powerful. You’ll realize that when your life in this body is over, you will continue to live on and on forever. You will know this without any doubt.
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5. You’ll constantly have unexplainable synchronistic experiences and “miraculous” manifestations will happen regularly.
Amazing synchronicities will be an everyday occurrence. The Universe will be speaking to you constantly, giving you “signs” on where to go and what to do. It will feel like you are on a miraculous journey through a magical world and anything is possible!
What you took for granted as scientific rational laws of this Universe that absolutely cannot be broken will be constantly shattered and removed. Whatever you once thought was impossible to happen, will and can manifest right before your very eyes.
A friend who you’ll be chatting on the phone with will ask you a question and the radio song you’re listening to will instantly answer that question for you. Or sometimes the answer will come first before the question comes and even at the exact same time!
When your third eye is fully open, you will start to see through this 3D dimension and into the 4th and 5th. This means you may start seeing lights, portals or layers of energy in the sky or perhaps right across your kitchen table. As the veil between dimensions gets thinner you will see more and more of what is really around you.
You may start seeing extraterrestrial beings, UFO ships or bizarre things that are here already here, yet just hidden from normal peoples eyes on the other dimension (as if they were once cloaked). It is nothing to be concerned about as the energy at this point on the planet is already so high, that the darker beings cannot handle the vibration. You will realize that we are all intimately part of an intergalactic community, and are taken care of (the genetic offspring) of the most highly evolved spiritually enlightened loving beings you can imagine.
Science and spirituality will truly become one and you will have full and total understanding of how it all works as you will be merged with the oneness of all things. By practicing listening to your guides on the higher realms, you’ll be able to know anything about anyone at anytime.
Any question someone asks you, you can access the Akashic Record and immediately have the answer to. You may be able to foresee how certain events will unfold in the future, yet not always be able to predict the exact future events as this would not be in alignment with the highest mystery and joy of life, making life truly a wondrous adventure to explore! So you bow down and respect the mystery of life, knowing it will all be totally perfect exactly as it unfolds for you.
6. You will know and feel divinely guided by something higher than your own mind/imagination.
As your mind begins to quiet, you will be able to hear your guidance from the other dimensions. This may be from angelic guides, spirit guides, past ancestors, or beings on a higher plane showing you the way home. As you tune into this, you will soon realize that you have many beings in higher dimensions that are around you helping you all the time. Whoever you connect with you will feel extremely supported, safe, secure as the frequency on the planet will be so high that no lower dark energies will be able to survive here. You will be able to trust 100% in the connect and experiences you have.
These beings will be seen with your 3rd eye, in your minds eye in the beginning for most people. There’s always exceptions to every rule, yet if you wish to, you can start opening up your 3rd eye to see what is really here. Simply spend a majority of your time focusing your attention (visualizing) a bright golden light that is lit up in the back of your head.
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7. You can access the miraculous powers of your true multi-dimensional body.
Because time and space are illusions, and all matter is energy and consciousness, and you are made of the same stuff as everything around you, you’ll be able to manifest the most amazing things with your mind.
With much surrender, patience and practice, you will realize you are God and be able to explore the hidden Siddhi powers inside you. This means anything you can imagine you can manifest in the physical 3D world, including things with your new upgraded body.
You will be able to learn how to pass your hand through a solid surface, physically levitate above the ground, move objects with your mind, bi-locate, be in 3 or more places at the same time, and basically anything that you can imagine you will be able to experience.
Advanced beings will assist you and even help you to time travel with your body to other worlds and dimensions. You will enter into the sphere of your existence which means that you’ll be able to jump into any event in your life, past or future instantly and experience whatever it is you wish to experience.
You will realize that you’re an intimate part of an intergalactic community and there are beings who are a million years more advanced that our civilization who have been here for the past 400,000 years watching our every move. You will feel embraced by this new family and know where your true roots are.
We all want to enjoy our time here to the maximum. During this time of increasing energy and vibration on the planet, we must keep a high frequency level if we are to fully explore this world in the most enlightening and enjoyable way. To be able to do this, we must travel deeply inside ourselves, and rest in the silent source that is at the core of who we truly are. We must be willing to relax, let go of all your old comfortable habits, and drop into the “unknown zone”.
Are you entering the 5th Dimension?
Originally written by Jafree Ozwald and published on Enlightened Beings