The “Sentence of Symbols” crop formation, measuring 1,020 feet long, was found on June 12, 1999, by U.K. crop formation researcher Charles Mallett.
Crop circles are a global phenomenon. Not only have crop circles appeared all around the planet, so far, there are quite a few of these strange appearances that have never been explained.
Crop circles have been a subject of debate among researchers and UFOlogists for years. Richard Dolan, historian, academic, author and one of the world’s leading UFO researchers said that “Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason. And after all, these decades, none of the perpetrators have been caught in the act of making any of the truly extraordinary formations.”
Interestingly, according to estimates, crop circles appear at least every week somewhere on our planet, and contrary to popular belief, crop circles are not exclusive to recent decades. Reports of mysterious formations in fields have been reported for centuries.
Now, a scientist from the Caltech, in Pasadena, California, Dr. Horace Drew who has studied the phenomenon for years claims to have discovered the alien message behind these enigmatic formations.
Read Also: Newly Formed Crop Circle In the UK Amazes Researchers
Dr. Drew has spent over 20 years researching crop circles and claims that there are hidden messages—from several alien civilizations—embedded inside crop circles, as an attempt to communicate with mankind.
Furthermore, Dr. Drew explains that mankind has not been able to understand them since we are not advanced enough. Dr. Drew believes some crop circles are literally images from the future.
Dr. Drew, who know resides in Australia said: “When humans want to talk with dolphins we put little bubble circles under the ocean with a generator. We watch the dolphins come up and play and investigate, and we study them.”
“US Presidents have never said to a dolphin ‘take me to your leader, I want to sign a treaty with you’ and the extraterrestrials are not interested in making a treaty with us. They are ahead of us like we are ahead of the dolphins and the whales.”
Dr. Drew also claims that crop circles have helped mankind leading to “at least one major breakthrough the discovery of a more advanced binary code than our computers currently use”.
Related: In 1974 Scientists Sent This Message Into Space, But In 2001 We Received SHOCKING Response!
During a conference at the UFO and Paranormal Research Society in Australia, Dr. Drew said that there are some crop circles which could be messages from mankind from the future.
According to historian Greg Jefferys: “The number of circular features that can be reasonably confirmed as crop circles that have been so far found in the survey of the currently available 1945 Google Earth overlay numbers about one dozen. As this survey did not include more than 35% of England and excluded the known crop circle ‘hot spots’ around Wiltshire the findings are consistent with an annual occurrence of around 100 crop circles across the English countryside in 1945. This, combined with a significant body of historical records describing crop circles, gives the lie to the claims made by various to be the originators and creators of all crop circles. This, in turn, begs the question ‘If not them, then who or what is responsible for the creation of crop circles?’” (source)
There’s something odd about these crop circles and it really might be extraterrestrials trying to tell us something.
Crop Circles – Balls of Light:
UFO Forming Crop Circle Best Video:
Originally written by Ivan and published on Ancient-Code