We’re not saying that one nation is better than the other, but when it comes to differences, Europe and America are a world apart. We’re not just referring to the body of water that separates these two continents either. There are subtle and major differences in customs, eating habits, traditions, transportation, sports and even life expectancy. There are even distinction in personal values between Americans and Europeans as well. Don’t even get us started on world politics. Even when it comes to military action, the U.S. is far more prone to believe in swift military force to maintain world order, whereas Europeans believe that the approval of the UN should come first. So yes, although we’re all human on the inside, life in these countries are far more different than you’d expect.
Nudity is viewed quite differently among these two nations
Europeans cater to nudists in several beaches. They also show women topless on television on a regular basis without censorship. So if you’re Gung-ho about nudity, then you should go to Europe, who is far more chillaxed about the whole thing.
Americans find that nudity is far more restrictive than their European counterparts
For starters, the only time you’ll see a boob on television is if you’re watching a premium channel or downloading porn. There is zero tolerance for women going topless unless they’re flashing their boobs during Mardi Gras. It’s so restrictive that some women are even shamed for breastfeeding in public.
You can live a few years longer if you’re in Europe
The life expectancy for Europeans is over 80 years, which isn’t bad at all. It may have something to do with the fact that they don’t often serve XL or supersize anything on food or drink-related items. It’s not to say that there isn’t obesity in Europe, but compared to their American counterparts, the portions are smaller and life is a little less stressful, which contributes to a longer lifespan.
In America, the average life expectancy rarely exceeds 79.3 years
Of course, Americans still rank 31st in the level of life expectancy worldwide. However, the truly enormous portions of food have resulted in obesity and other health ailments that have significantly compromised the American way of life. Not to mention the fact that there is a great deal more stress, especially in cities like New York.
It’s a lot easier to get around in Europe thanks to a kickass mode of transportation
It’s not just about the trains themselves. Europe has invested a great deal of money to ensure that their dense population has a network of public transportation in the form of trains that can reach just about any point across the country and rarely breaks down.
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Although public transportation in the U.S. varies from state to state, it’s certainly lagging behind Europe
Many people who depend on public transportation find that it’s not always reliable, meaning the bus may not arrive when you need it to get to work. Not every state has a mode of public transportation by train either. In fact, most people in the U.S. rely on cars, which often lead to stress and congested highways.
Football and their coaches have a whole different meaning in both nations
In America, you’ll find that football coaches often wear polo shirts, and are plus sized. Plus the sport uses an oval-shaped ball, and the teams, often bulked up in helmets and padded gear try to stop the other team from scoring a touchdown. While in Europe, the coaches are skinnier, often wear business suits, and the players wear no gear and just kick around a ball in the hopes of making it past the goalie.
Work hours vary significantly between Europe and the U.S. In fact, you’ll probably prefer to work in Europe
In the States, employees can sometimes work overtime. The work week may go beyond the usual 40 hours a week to 50, 60 and beyond. Europe on the other hand has better labor laws that are more accommodating. In the end, most Europeans get to work less than 40 hours a week, enjoy more time with their families and stress out a whole lot less than Americans.
Europeans often get a better vacation package than Americans do
Labor laws guarantee that Europeans get a minimum of 4 weeks vacation a year. The best part is that they can opt to take a whole month off or break it down throughout the year. U.S. employees who are lucky enough to work for a company willing to provide them with paid vacation have to accrue vacation time first. Even then, taking more than a couple of days off can be frowned upon.
Lunch time at work is viewed differently by employers in both countries
In the States, you might get anywhere from a half hour break to an hour break, but only if you work 8 hours a day. Anything under that may get you either a half hour or two 15 minute breaks that can’t be combined. Plus, if you eat at your desk, your boss might think you’re slacking off. In Europe, you’re encouraged to leave your desk for an hour, sometimes more because they consider lunch one of the most important meals of the day.
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Television seems to be all anyone even talks about in the workplace or just about anywhere if you’re in the States
Unfortunately, by the time that most overworked Americans get home, the only thing they want to do is sit down in front of the TV and drown out their stressful day in reality shows, comedies, fantasies, drama, and supernatural series. When they go to work the next day, all they do is obsessively talk about TV shows. Europeans tend to focused less on TV shows. It’s not that they don’t watch television. They’re just not as obsessed about it and don’t feel the need to make it the main topic of every single conversation.
Sports are neither a family affair or a buffet in Europe
European men prefer to attend a soccer game on their own or with a buddy, but rarely do they invite their significant other or their children. They also never eat during a game, but they will drink alcohol like there’s no tomorrow. In the States, kids are encouraged to go with their dads to the game. The wife often tags along too. While watching American sports, they’ll pig out on hot dogs, cheese fries, Cracker Jacks and XL drinks, not to mention alcohol.
When it comes to food portions, Americans and Europeans simply don’t see eye to eye
Americans can’t get enough of their XL fries, 5 stacker burgers, and XL Coke. It’s become a lifestyle to feed this insatiable hunger that often leads to health problems. When Europeans pack on the pounds, it’s often because they lead a more chillaxed lifestyle, but to stuff their faces with anything but the smaller sized portions they’re used to is almost gluttony in their eyes.
Both cultures have a different point of view when it comes to casual fashion
Although this is just a generalization, European women would never walk out without makeup on. College students often dress up as if everyday were a special event. Europeans simply hate to look sloppy. So imagine what they must think of Americans who often attend classes in their Pajamas or go to the mall in baggy sweatpants, out of style jeans, sweatshirts, or white tennis shoes?
Originally written by Camila Villafañe and published on Life Buzz