How To Detect An Indigo Child With a Highly Active Third Eye

The third eye, also known as the inner-eye, has been regarded as the door to higher consciousness and spirituality. This subtle ability to see beyond the normal perceptive power is not so common. Very few people have attained the wisdom that comes from the opening of the third eye.

The Third Eye consists of your mind and all of your senses working together, as a more powerful sensory organ. Our ability to sense and perceive energy potentially increases. The third eye processes information and then sends it to the other senses, so we can interpret, interact, and understand what energy is and gain the ability to ‘see’ it.

To awaken the third eye requires much understanding and patience. You need to constantly engage with your inner world. The Ajna chakra or the Third-eye chakra is located on our forehead between our eyebrows. It is the center of intuition and foresight.

There are chakras that develop with time, but there are those which diminish as time passes. The Ajna Chakra, used by clairvoyant children to see into the spirit world gets smaller with time. The Ajna Chakra is perennially activated when the person is still in his childhood. It could lead to your child developing psychic abilities.

Must-Read: 7 Fundamental Signs Your Third Eye Is Starting To Open (Pay Attention To #2)

The aforementioned psychic abilities are very fragile and time sensitive. If they are not sharpened and actively fostered, they will eventually fade with time. A child born with the natural ability to channel the energy of the third eye is something of a rarity.

Psychic children tend to isolate themselves from the world which should not be the case. They should be allowed and encouraged to engage with the world outside so that they become socially responsible individuals. Parents should take care that the emotional, psychological and social growth of such children should not be compromised.

If a child is pre-disposed towards psychic talents then it would require some amount of careful attention and discretion. There are some signs indicating children who have active Third Eyes:

1. Such children tend to be loners. They would like to be by themselves, away from the hullaballoo of other children.

2. They are highly imaginative. They will play games that require the use of imagination rather than using physical toys. Your child could have imaginary tea parties with imaginary friends.

3. They will show some deep love for nature. They will play by themselves in the natural environment instead of remaining indoors.

4. Talking, laughing, and playing with their imaginary friends.

Your job as a parent is to guide your child in the best you can. If you feel that s/he has been spending too much time alone then you should intervene immediately. Don’t let your child withdraw from the society as such a tender age. Encourage them to make friends. It will be difficult for him or her but you need to be the supporting pillar during this phase.

It takes a lot of effort to raise a child, but it takes a lot more to raise a child with psychic abilities. Ask for professional help if you require any. However, do not dismiss your child’s talents as insubstantial.

This is an example of a child with a highly active third eye:

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