10 Medicinal Plants Native Americans Used To Cure Everything (From Joint Pain To Cancer)

Just like Ayurveda in the Indian culture, the Cherokee Indians or the Native Americans believe that the earth is endowed with cure for everything. Mother Nature has specific herbs for all diseases.

The Cherokee is a Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States. They believe that the Creator has given them a gift of understanding and preserving medicinal herbs. The Cherokee trust the healing and preventative properties of nature’s pharmacy. Because many plants become scarce throughout history, the Cherokee promote proper gathering techniques. The old ones have taught them that if you are gathering, you should only pick every third plant you find. This ensures that enough specimens still remain and will continue to propagate.

Here are some of the medicinal plants that were commonly used and foraged for by the Cherokee tribe:

1. Mint

We all know that mint is a breath freshener and a great appetizer. A light mint tea can soothe an inflamed stomach and aid digestion. The Cherokee Indians pounded fresh mint leaves for the tea which also cures fatigue, helps in weight loss, prevents respiratory problems and nausea.

2. Yellow Dock

The roots of this herb contain vitamins and minerals which is great for detoxification. Traditionally, yellow dock is associated with hormone balance and clear skin. The leaves are rich in iron and have diuretic impacts, and the pounded roots blended with warm water fill in as a powerful sterile.

3. Blackberry

Research has proved blackberry to be powerful cancer-fighting food. It is rich in manganese content and boosts brain functioning. The vitamin k is good for the cardiovascular system. The other benefits are treating steamed stomach and alleviating sore gums. Blackberry tea reduces joint swelling.

4. Cattail

Cattail is known for its antiseptic properties. It prevents anemia and gives relief from boils and sores. It helps in the recovery process after any ailment.

5. Yarrow

Yarrow works wonders for surface injuries. Its leaves prevent bleeding and infection. Yarrow tea cures kidney and gallbladder problems and aids in digestion. It is also a cure for amenorrhea, an absence of menstruation. It is a mild sedative for anxiety and treats mastitis, a breast infection common among those who are breast feeding. It is proved to be helpful for high blood pressure and asthma.

6. Sumac

It is another cancer-fighting food and has several other qualities. Its berries are rich in vitamin C which is antioxidant in nature and can be made into a drink. Sumac leaves help in reducing fever. It has proved to be good for arthritis and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, colds, and flues. Sumac balm reduces skin inflammation. Seeds of sumac are effective against Aspergillus fungus that causes lung infection.

7. Greenbriar

The Cherokees used greenbriar mainly to cleanse blood. It also treats mild urinary contamination. It is abundant in starch and minerals. Often used in salads, its leaves are brimming with vitamins. The bark when made into a balm treats minor wounds and burns. The berries can be eaten raw or made into jam.

8. Wild Ginger

The tea made using the base of wild ginger treats intestinal gas and problematic stomach. The Cherokees utilized the stems of this herb to cure ear infections. It is also beneficial for itching and snake bite.

9. Wild Rose

The fruit of the wild rose is called rose hip. The petals are mildly sedative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-parasitic in nature. It can also stimulate the liver; increase your appetite and circulation. If you get flu; you can treat it with wild rose. Additionally, it is also a uterine tonic. The oil extracted from the petals can calm your nerves and relieve pain.

10. Buckbrush

Also known as hummingbird blossom, the Cherokees used this herb mainly to stimulate kidney function. It is used to cure cysts, fibroid tumors, inflammation, and throat problems. Buckbrush is used in treating high blood pressure and menstrual problems too.

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