Life would be a lot simpler if the evil people dressed in full black attire and smiled creepily like the witches in the stories, and the good people would dress in bright colors with a cherubic smile on their face! But no, life is a synthesis of endless contradictions and people wear masks that are difficult to break.
Evil exists and we don’t need theories to prove that, just a glance at the daily news is enough evidence. Murders, rapes, terrorism and what not! The common thing among all the criminals is their attitude – they do not care what happens to the world as long as their own needs are satisfied. This behavior may be a result of the environment they were brought up in, or as some theorists say the biological component does play a role. Experts reveal that the body releases oxytocin while reacting to something positive. While 95% of people conform to the norm, 5% do not feel the positive vibe.
Some black hearted people seem to make this their life motto. It is difficult to distinguish evil because it looks “normal”; however, if you are associated with such people, you will eventually feel the toxicity and suffering rising. Be aware and let go.
1. They are manipulative maniacs
Black hearted people build their lives around one goal and they can go to any extent to achieve it. They do not care what others think or if they are hurting or deceiving someone. They will pursue the path if it suits them. They will manipulate others to get their work done.
2. They mislead you
They use gaslighting to sow seeds of doubt in a person’s mind, making them question their own reality. They not only lie but twist the tale to turn your judgment in favor of them. You will inevitably believe them and come to wrong conclusions.
3. They are not trustworthy
All their actions are a master scheme to drive you towards their self-centered agenda. You cannot trust someone who will manipulate and mislead you at every step of the way.
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4. They cannot see the reality
Rather, they will not see the reality if it does not correspond with their needs. They will subtly make others believe in their warped vision of life too, to fulfill their demands.
5. They always think they are “owed”
Black hearted people believe they are special and that the world is a “wish granting factory.” They think that being themselves is enough and everyone will cater to their needs because they owe them.
6. They demand attention
They believe the world revolves around them and want to be treated differently because they are worth it. They will demand attention as they feel superior to others, without noticing their flaws.
7. They are liars
They are compulsive liars and simply cannot speak the truth as it will crack their mask of deceit. They will keep lying to cover up for their lies.
8. They live a double life
They lead a double life by wearing masks to fit their role. If you are beneficial to their being, they will treat you differently and if you are not, they will not bother about you. Their personality too is molded by their desires.
9. They will not apologize
If you believe you are superior to everyone else, that you are always right and that everyone owes you the best things possible, you cannot just be humble and accept your follies. Black hearted people never apologize because they do not care for other peoples’ feelings and they simply think they haven’t done anything wrong to apologize for.
10. They create their own facts
They will try to get the upper hand by making other see things through their perspectives, thus working for their welfare. They will alter facts and establish them as real.
11. They do not value your time
Black hearted people put themselves before others and do not care for other people’s’ time. They are just the means to the goal they want to achieve. They do not waste their time for others but demand the same from the later.
12. They don’t feel guilt or regret
They think they are above everything else and so nothing makes them feel bad. They do not feel guilty after using others because only the goal is of importance, not other people’s emotions.
13. They will often hide information
They will have to make others blindly believe them and to do this they hide information. They will protect their mask by tricking people.
14. They are irresponsible
Black hearted people do not think of the consequences or the long lasting impact of their action as it is all-important to them. They will be reckless and not care for the mess they create. Once the goal is achieved they go for another.