15,000 Scientists From All Over The World Just Signed The Second Warning to Humanity

You know it’s the real deal when 15,000 research scientists from all over the world co-sign a warning article for the entire humanity.

Back in the year 1992, a large group of worried scientists came together for a purpose. The group consisted of around 1,700 scientists along with Nobel Laureates. They drafted a serious warning about how the condition of Earth needs immediate attention.

Now 25 years later, 15,000 scientists felt the need to bring out a warning for the second time, named: “World Scientist’s Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice”. It says that Humanity must save Earth from extinction before it’s too late.

The 1992 paper said that Earth’s ecosystems are unable to take the load of overpopulation any longer. It still remains as the main cause of Earth’s troubles.

In these 25 years, the problems have gotten bigger than they were before. A slight improvement of the Ozone Layer condition can be seen. But all other problems have become worse.

We are blindly going towards Doomsday. Once it comes, there will be no going back.

The other vital threats to humanity have been listed as, shortage of freshwater, lack of marine life affecting fisheries, dead zones of the ocean, loss of forest, decreasing biodiversity, climatic changes and overpopulation.

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Shortage of freshwater:

As the number of people on Earth increase, available freshwater will decrease. Many people in the world do not get clean water. Today, we only have half of the water available to every person in the 1960’s. Changes in the climate and hike in population will only make things worse. If this goes on, people won’t have any clean water left for drinking, making food, or for sanitation.

Lack of marine life affecting fisheries:

In 1996, the highest amount of marine catch was recorded to be 130 million tons. But ever since, the supply has started going down rapidly. Today, fisheries are trying to give better efforts. Some advanced countries have started fishing in the waters of countries that are developing.

Dead zones in the ocean:

Fertilizers and pesticides that run into the ocean water are killing marine life. These affected zones have low oxygen where fish can’t survive. Scientists have shown concern as there has been 75% increase of these dead zones.

Loss of forest area:

Forests are important as they are the biggest storehouse of trees, carbon, freshwater, biodiversity and resources. Between the year 1990 and 2015, we have lost a large forest area almost the size of South Africa. Loss of forests is mainly seen in developing countries. It is a major concern for scientists.

Decreasing biodiversity:

Human activities have hurt life forms in the ocean and as well in the forests. The different animals, plants and organisms living there are gradually dying. Between 1970 to 2012, the sum total of animals, birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, has gone down by 58%. It has been said to be ‘the sixth mass extinction’. Scientists say such loss of biodiversity cannot be reversed.

Change in climate:

Smoke from industries and air pollution has led to serious climate changes. The temperature will also increase and the air will not be pure. The rise in temperature will harm food crops badly. Storms will go up in number, and the sea level will rise up.


The increasing human population is one of the biggest causes of all these problems. Human population has gone up by 35% since 1990. If this goes on, Earth would have more than 9 billion people by 2050. Scientists are worried that if we do not control the population now, the Earth would soon reach its death.

The planet Earth has its own limits. Increasing population and continuous use of its resources are putting too much pressure on it. People all over the world must stop the actions that harm the environment. If we do not wake up and take actions now, we will be too late to save the planet.

Thousands of scientists came together to make us aware of these problems. Let’s join hands and try doing whatever we can to save Humanity and Mother Earth!

Image source: Weather

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