Firstly, let’s establish what Earth-angels are. They are souls that carry a lot of light, hope, inspiration, love, peace, and essentially everything you attach with the divine realm. They may be walking amidst you, without giving off any obvious signs. Or, better still, you may be one of them!
Here are 8 signs to know if you are an Earth Angel incarnated on this planet:
1. You’re Empathetic
A soul that is connected to the Earth, in any way, or links itself with the divine, must have a soft spot for all of the human kind. It must know the values of healing and understanding. So, sensitive souls are mostly empaths, who feel the frequency of emotional waves in a much greater depth than normal human beings. You exude light and love around everybody you meet.
2. People Tell You That You’re An Old Soul
When you feel like your roots are somewhere in the past, there is a high chance of you having spiritual energies. The roots you speak of are not present in standard time, but in timeless humanity. What you’re actually craving is the primal energy that Nature invests in its rawest beings. That is where you feel at home. That is the only place where you do not feel like the odd one out.
Must read: This Is Why Certain “Angel Numbers” Keep Showing Up In Your Life
3. You Love Me-Time
Spiritual people invest a lot of time in their own selves, developing and understanding what they are made of. Constantly socializing is a heavy drain on our energy, and we need to stay away from the crown in order to be able to recharge. So, alone-time is necessary in order to find yourself, and get a better hold of the workings of your mind.
4. You feel Drawn Towards A Certain Purpose In Life
There is something in this world that seems to be your responsibility. Even though your sense of purpose might not be concrete and well outlined, you know that it is there. You will spend your time trying to sketch out the abstract sense of purpose, and then chase it with a vengeance. You are important, and there is a reason why you’re here. You must fulfill it.
5. You Are Very Receptive
You listen very well. Being receptive means being open. You are readily accepting of people and emotions, and sometimes to your own damage. You are emotional, and affected by the good and bad alike. The smallest of things would send you through the roof, or pull you into the darkest of hell.
6. People Ask You For Advice
People scope you out and look to you for advice, because you know what you’re saying. People trust you with the darkest of their secrets, and are drawn to you in times of trouble. You are a strong guiding force, and people find comfort in your presence and company. They know that you will somehow find a solution to their problem.
7. You Cannot Stand Violence
Even people shouting can push you over the edge. You’re a soft person who wants this world to be a great place. However, in the present day and age, the onslaught of negativity and violence has crushed you to pulp. You constantly find it difficult to believe that all of this is necessary.
8. Your Dreams Are Well Defined
When you dream, it takes you a long time to come out of it. All the occurrences seem real, and quite possible. So, it becomes terribly difficult to differentiate between the projection of the mind, and the reality of it. Sometimes, you even dream of weird things such as metaphysical elements, and realities beyond the usual senses of man.