Robert Guthrie had his eye on an old gas station for some time before he was able to buy it. When he...
Bob Bradshaw is an 88-year-old from Omaha, Nebraska. He spent 30 years in active duty and saw the likes of Korea and...
Recently, a Chinese netizen had adopted a Golden Retriever from an animal shelter. His family loved the dog very much as it...
It’s frightening but true: Our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals — the...
A YouTuber that comes under the name of JustSomeMotion is what you might call a “talented dancer.” You can locate the video...
Have you ever wondered why life seems to pass more quickly as you get older? From Seoul, South Korea, a genius digital...
Not only does music reach us on intellectual, social, and emotional levels, but many describe it as spiritual or mystical. The use of melodic,...