This video made by Tyler Mann, a filmmaker from Austin, presents a homeless man sharing his tragic life story of being a successful working...
Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher broke The Guinness World Record for the longest marriage. They were married on May 13, 1924. In 2008, they earned...
Traveling alone may be the single best catalyst for personal growth. My solo traveling experiences have created quantum leaps in various areas...
Doctors had given Anita Moorjani just hours to live when she arrived at the hospital in a coma on the morning of...
If you add all the floors together, the “living space” sums up to more than 3000 square meters. “This has to be...
Life is all about perspective, isn’t it? It is brilliant… all over the world we have more than 7 billion souls with...
This video is not about Russell Brand at all. It is about the message and that message has never been more simple,...