In the course of time, many unique individuals made a big difference. Mother Teresa – Charity worker who devoted life to serving the...
The concept of an ‘Indigo’ child or a ‘crystal/star’ child originated in the 1970’s, and its definition reads such: A person who has taken birth in order...
Books are the medium through which we can exercise our minds. They make us think and push us to expand our consciousness...
Read it and I promise you will love it! 1. You think everyone has negative intentions You cannot simply let things be....
Confucius (September 28, 551 BC – 479 BC) was one of the most significant philosophers in the Chinese history. His theories had...
To be honest, the road to my personal success was road I was walking with no one else beside me. If I...
One of the biggest, brightest and most innovative minds that ever lived on this planet left his legacy behind him with timeless...