Just how many preservatives are added to fast food – this could surprise you. See what happened to a burger left forgotten in its wrapper for 14 years.
In 1999 David Whipple was a diet-supplement salesman in Utah who used a McDonalds burger as a prop in his sales pitch when describing the actions of enzymes, by showing how it looked after being kept in its wrapper for a whole month. He promptly forgot about it until he found it during a house move some two years later. Whipple decided to continue the experiment and replaced the burger into it original packing and left it in a closet until recently. The actual burger and bun don’t look too different visually (if you like dried out looking patties) but the pickle did disintegrate. There was no mold, no fungus and no bad odors.
Whipple, who kept the original receipt for the burger, said he now shows the sandwich to his grandchildren to encourage them to eat healthily saying “It’s great for my grand-kids to see. To see what happens with fast food.” What could actually cause a hamburger not to rot over this period of time ? McDonald’s has been trying to limit the bad publicity by stating that it was simply the lack of moisture which caused their hamburger to mummify. Whilst this may initially seem to be a sensationalist story showing how the burger looked after 14 years, and is now stored in an airtight tin, it should alert us to the dangers of junk food. It is not just fat and salt we should be considering, but the hidden and often toxic chemicals used by the fast food industry to add to its shelf life and profitability.
See also: McDonald’s FINALLY Admits What’s Inside Their So-Called “Burgers”. Yuck!
Read this list of the chemical cocktail of preservatives used by McDonalds in the US, amazingly some of these additives have already been banned in other countries:
This additive is banned in the EU, Singapore, and Australia. It is a flour bleaching agent and improving agent. It is used to relax the dough so that when it is divided in large-scale bakeries under high pressure, it will keep its shape and form. It causes allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to other azo compounds, such as some controversial food dyes.
Outside the food industry it is used as an additive in the production of foamed plastics. The Health and Safety Executive in the UK has linked it with asthma and ruled that any product containing azodicarbonamide has to clearly state that “may cause sensitization by inhalation.”
This is a dangerous sweetener linked to many health issues. Mostly the corn used to make is from GMO corn crops. It also contains contaminants including mercury that are not regulated or measured by the FDA.
This is included for its anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. It is often used as a preservative in food and drinks. It prevents the growth of mold, yeast, and fungi. It is also used as an additive in rubber and lubricants. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration specifies that this chemical is a strong irritant. Ingested in large quantities it the potential to cause severe damage to the tissues of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
This is a binding agent in the burger. Guar Gum is banned by the FDA in large amounts due to reports of the substance swelling and obstructing the intestines and esophagus (i).
This is just a few of the ingredients, the list could go on. It it any wonder that this burger survived?
Take a look at the video of the dried burger after 14 years:
Watch: Hidden-Camera Exposes Disgusting Secret Behind McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets [VIDEO]
Originally taken from: www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com