Many people use alcohol for adhesive removal or as disinfectant. But only a few people know that there are numerous uses beyond disinfection and that can even be used for the preparation of many cosmetics.
1. Deodorant Replacement
You do not have to panic if you forgot your deodorant while you are away. You can simply get rid of the bacteria that causes bad odor by simply rubbing alcohol. You can find alcohol in every first aid kit. Alcohol can be used temporarily because long exposure to it can irritate your skin.
2. Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
Once you get bugs, it can be a serious problem to get rid of these parasites. They can stay at an unhygienic friend’s house or sneak home with you after vacation if you are really careful. These nasty pets can be killed by rubbing alcohol. You should simply pour some rubbing alcohol into a a spray bottle and then spray over your mattress and pillow. It is very important to repeat the procedure a few times to totally get rid of them.
3. Kill lice
You can also remove lice by using rubbing alcohol. You should simply fill a spray bottle with this ingredient and add a few drops of lavender oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp and then comb the hair to get rid of the dead lice.
4. Homemade Cool Pack
Alcohol will not turn to ice if you place it in the fridge. This is actually important because you can use it to make your own cooling pad. Make a mixture between 2 parts of water and 1 part of alcohol in a sealable plastic bag. Before store it in the fridge, do not forget to remove as much air as possible. The combination should be the right mixture after 1h or so. You can cool your lunch oh a hike or you can use this as an ice pack.
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5. Remove Fingernail Polish
Different harsh chemicals are contained in typical nail polish removers which often damage your nails. Rubbing alcohol is the best substitute for chemical acetone. This way may take a few min more, but your nails will not be damaged during the process.
6. Clean Your Ears
Cotton swaps are still used by many people to clean the ears, but this procedure is really dangerous because you actually push the wax deeper and deeper. Make a mixture between rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and then drop it into the ears. The wax will be completely removed by its own.
7. Clean Your Skin
Most of the acne-fighting ointments and creams contain benzoyl peroxide. Thanks to its powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, rubbing alcohol acts well. It prevents additional acnes from pooping up, soothes the surrounding skin and disinfects any existing pimples. Apply the alcohol directly to the affected spot on the skin.
8. Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs
When you shave your armpits or bikini line, often the area is covered with red dots. When you will apply a bit of rubbing alcohol on the affected part, everything will be different. It will leave your skin smooth and alleviate any irritation.
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9. Cold Sores
Only a small percent of people have ever experienced a break out, despite 85% of the people carry the herpes virus. Apply 70% isopropyl alcohol on the spots in this situation. It will remove the herpes sores effectively and fast.
10. Hand Sanitizer
You can make a great homemade hand sanitizer by using rubbing alcohol. Make a combination between a few drops of teatree oil, half tbsp of isopropyl alcohol and 4 oz aloe vera gel.
The video below will present you all the steps:
Originally taken from Losing Weight Done